Air America

Continuity mistake: When Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr. are hanging upside down in the copter, the first scene (with the necklace mistake) has Mel in the right seat and Robert in the left seat. When they crash out of the window Mel falls out first from the left seat and then Robert from the right seat.

Continuity mistake: In the jungle, when Mel Gibson and Robert Downey Jr are falling on the ground after jumping out of the helicopter there is a green mat on the ground for them to fall on. The plants on the ground didn't cover it all the way.

Continuity mistake: When Billy was dangling from the rope he was wearing a dressing gown and long sleeved top. When he steps out of the helicopter at the base he is no longer in dressing gown and now has short sleeved t- shirt on.

Other mistake: When Robert Downey Jr. lowers the helicopter onto the freeway to yell at the truck driver, he is very close to the truck driver, so close that the truck driver can even hit the helicopter. Why does a long haired man standing underneath a helicopter not have his hair blown around?

More mistakes in Air America

Billy Covington: I don't wanna crash twice in one day.
Gene Ryack: Don't worry, I crash better that anyone I know.

More quotes from Air America

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