Christine mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Christine smashes into the little white car inside Darnell's garage, she gets hooked to the car. Christine backs up trying to disconnect herself from the white car. When the white car finally is released, the momentum of the maneuver sends the white car skidding into other cars. Look carefully and you will see the casters mounted underneath the white car allowing it to easily skid along the floor. (01:37:30)

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where the wrecked Christine rebuilds itself for the first time, and the camera moves in on Keith Gordon, the shadow of part of the camera becomes visible along the right side of his face just as he says "Okay. Show me." (01:00:30)

Jeff Swanson

Plot hole: George Lebay says that his brother died "6 weeks ago" inside Christine and that's why he's selling it. Later that evening after Arnie leaves his house and goes to Darnell's, Will Darnell says he "knew a guy who owned a car like that" and "the bastard killed himself in it." If it's only been 6 weeks since his death, shouldn't Darnell have recognized the car? It's not like there were lots of red Plymouth Furies (custom order color) running around the small town, let alone the USA, even in 1978. (Also considering how production even had a hard time finding them for the movie).

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Suggested correction: He says he knew a guy with a car like that. It doesn't have to be the same colour or even the same generation. Just a Plymouth Fury.


Darnell basically said he knew THE brother of Lebay, not just some guy who owned a similar car. Darnell described Lebay's brother based on the story. Again, it was him, not just some other guy.

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Arnie Cunningham: Oh man, there is nothing finer than being behind the wheel of your own car! Except maybe for pussy.

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Trivia: One time Alexandra Paul brought her twin sister Caroline to the set and successfully pranked director John Carpenter by having Caroline shoot a scene. Carpenter, very amused, later said he could tell there was something odd going on when they shot the scene... but couldn't quite figure out what it was.


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Question: Has anyone who worked on the film given an explanation as to why Christine's odometer was running backwards? If so, what was the reason?

Answer: The odometer ran backwards to symbolise going "back in time," explaining both the quick body repair after damage and the radio playing only 50's music.

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