Child's Play 2

Child's Play 2 (1990)

110 mistakes

(8 votes)

Visible crew/equipment: After Andy knocks into something in the basement, in the next shot from behind, you can see a crewmember's head in the bottom-right of the screen, ducking down. (00:42:20)


Visible crew/equipment: When Chucky says "We're home!" and knocks Andy out at the toy factory, before trying to transfer his soul, watch closely. Right as the shot is about to end, you can see some of the animatronic cables, the puppeteers use to control the Chucky doll, behind him. Additionally, you can see a crew-member's hand start to reach up at the bottom left corner right before the shot cuts. (Presumably to help slow down actor Alex Vincent and the Chucky doll's fall for safety.)


Continuity mistake: In the opening montage, when Chucky is rebuilt, they show his shoes being tied. About a minute later, when the CEO and his assistant enter the room, you can see one of the tech guys tying his shoes in the background... even though they were already tied.


Continuity mistake: The first shot of the movie is an extreme closeup of Chucky's eye. Two shots later, you get a view of his whole face... and his eye is completely different. The color and design is slightly different, and the charred plastic around it doesn't match. The scene was shot with two different props (an oversized eye for the extreme closeup as confirmed in the commentary, then a regular sized doll-head for the next shot), and they didn't quite match.


Revealing mistake: When Grace falls to the floor, copies of her face keep pouring on her. Two are shown up close pouring out, and they are different from each other. One has a big hole of cracked glass covering her right eye and the other one shows her right eye without the hole at all. One copy was taken before she fell so two different looks over her eye is not possible.

Continuity mistake: When Kyle pulls her car in front of the big truck with all the newspapers in back, the car is first shown curved at an angle, but after a camera change to a different angle, the car looks straighter in relation to the truck and not blocking it in the same area.

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Andy's foster parents are talking about Chucky and the camera slides from their room to Andy's, you can see the camera's reflection in one or a few pictures on the wall.

Continuity mistake: In the first movie, when the batteries fall out of the Good Guy box, they are size D. When Andy goes to check the batteries in this movie and opens Chucky up, the batteries are marked size C. (00:26:00 - 00:27:00)

Jayce Fryman

Continuity mistake: Early in the film when the Chucky doll is being rebuilt, he is put together limb by limb and has a hard plastic body. When the doll is complete and seen in later scenes throughout the movie he has floppy arms and legs which would indicate a stuffed soft body doll. The good guy doll was shown as a soft body doll several times in the first film, like when Maggie picks him up from from in front of the TV by his arm. (00:03:10 - 00:15:30)

Chucky: You little shit. Do you realise what you've done? It's too late. I've spent to much time in this body. I'm fucking trapped in here!

More quotes from Child's Play 2

Trivia: In a 2018 interview, series producer David Kirshner revealed that of all people, Steven Spielberg was instrumental in helping get "Child's Play 2" and the later sequels made. MGM, the studio that made the original, decided not to produce a sequel when a new company president took over who disliked horror movies. Several studios started a bidding war for the "Child's Play" property, but Spielberg called Kirshner and encouraged him to go to Universal. Kirshner contacted Universal, and mentioned that Spielberg suggested them. The executives immediately made Kirshner an offer to make not only "Child's Play 2" but all future films in the series, and even accepted most of Kirshner's demands about the franchise, allowing he and co-creator Don Mancini to be in control of the series - something that likely would not have happened had another studio bought the rights in a bidding war.


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