Child's Play 2

Plot hole: In the factory we see the machine that adds the hair to the Dolls it "punches" the doll at standing level. Andy hits the reverse button and they watch a doll go backwards. A few moments later Chucky appears on a cart and now the machine "punches" Chucky to the cart. 2 Errors -1 How did Andy and Kyle not see Chucky on the cart right in front of them. 2. What made the machine go low enough to stick Chucky to the cart.

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Suggested correction: 1. Andy and Kyle were looking away, hence they didn't see Chucky. But then, Kyle turns and sees him. 2. We are to presume that the punch machine goes down until it is stopped by the doll it's meant to be "punching" into. So, it just descended until it reached Chucky and the platform he's on. (Additionally, the machine also seems to be malfunctioning given it goes into a sort of overdrive.)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy is tied up on his bed, the two skipping ropes tied to his feet have green rope, but in one closeup of Andy kicking his foot about, the rope is yellow, then in the next wide shot, is green once again. (In the closeup of Andy kicking his feet he has also gained slippers!) (00:28:35 - 00:29:40)


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Chucky: I've got you now, Andy! And you know what I'm gonna do to you? I'm gonna cut off your legs, too!

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Trivia: The other good-guy doll "Tommy" was allegedly named after Tom Holland, director of the first film. Holland and series creator Don Mancini supposedly didn't get on very well behind-the-scenes, and it's been suggested that Chucky breaking and then burying the Tommy doll was a subtle jab at him.


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