Child's Play 2

Revealing mistake: When Joanne is kneeling by Phil's body, she cries "Oh God no." and then, just before it cuts, Phil's right hand moves, even though he is dead. (00:45:50)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: After Phil has thrown Chucky down to the basement he turns the lights off. We then see lights fading in to make it seem like light is coming from outside the window. (00:30:20)


Revealing mistake: In the full-screen version, a piece of Chucky's animatronic equipment can be seen bobbing up and down with him (the bottom-left corner) as he chases Miss Kettlewell in the classroom.

Revealing mistake: When Miss Kettlewell is searching in the closet for Andy, you can clearly see shadows of crewmembers moving about on the hanging coats and walls, on the left hand side of the screen. (00:36:20)


Revealing mistake: When Mattson pulls the card through the card reader in order to open the door, there is no lock mechanism on the door at all when we see him opening the door and entering the room. (00:04:45)


Revealing mistake: When Andy first goes down into the cellar with the electric knife, the camera pans around the cellar, then back to Andy. When Andy starts to walk away from the foot of the stairs, you can see a cameraman's shadow on his back. (00:41:35)


Revealing mistake: When Grace falls to the floor, copies of her face keep pouring on her. Two are shown up close pouring out, and they are different from each other. One has a big hole of cracked glass covering her right eye and the other one shows her right eye without the hole at all. One copy was taken before she fell so two different looks over her eye is not possible.

Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy is tied up on his bed, the two skipping ropes tied to his feet have green rope, but in one closeup of Andy kicking his foot about, the rope is yellow, then in the next wide shot, is green once again. (In the closeup of Andy kicking his feet he has also gained slippers!) (00:28:35 - 00:29:40)


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Chucky: I've got you now, Andy! And you know what I'm gonna do to you? I'm gonna cut off your legs, too!

More quotes from Child's Play 2

Trivia: The other good-guy doll "Tommy" was allegedly named after Tom Holland, director of the first film. Holland and series creator Don Mancini supposedly didn't get on very well behind-the-scenes, and it's been suggested that Chucky breaking and then burying the Tommy doll was a subtle jab at him.


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