Child's Play
Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Karen throws Chucky across the room after he attacked her, she backs toward the wall and next to her is a fireplace set with four utensils in it (e.g. metal rod/poker/spade etc.) But in the next shot there are only two utensils in the set. (00:45:30)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Karen struggles to keep the door shut, as Chucky tries to pull it open, Chucky stabs his knife through the door, cutting Karen's hand. Between shots the hole made by the knife gets mysteriously longer, and all the holes Chucky makes in the door seem to change shape/size/location. Also, when Chucky stabs through the door, cutting Karen, a small stain of blood is left on the door. Between three consecutive shots the blood is there, then disappears then reappears. (01:17:45)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Karen walks into Andy's room and asks "Who are you talking to", the blue cover on Andy's bed lays only halfway down his bed. It then cuts to Andy, who says "Chucky", and now the blue cover is pulled all the way up the bed, covering the pillows. The wooden beside cabinet that sits to the right of the bed, is about a foot away from the bed. When it cuts to Andy saying "Chucky", the cabinet now sits right next to his bed. The lamp and jar of marbles that sit on top of the cabinet also move between these shots. (00:29:55)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chucky talks to John, as he stands on the counter, sometimes there are two red buttons on the top of his dungarees, sometimes there isn't. They appear/disappear throughout the scene. (00:59:25 - 01:00:25)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chucky talks to John, he sits on a counter talking to him, and there is a cupboard to the left of the window above the counter, and the cupboard doors are closed. Yet later when Chucky stands up, he stands near the cupboard and says "You got me into this, you get me out!", and you can see behind him the cupboard door is now wide open. Also, to the right of the window are three pots/jugs. These change position between two shots, and one of the pots disappears. (00:59:20 - 01:00:20)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Good Guys Doll advert is playing on the Barclay's TV, in wideshots there is a box on top of the TV, yet in closeups of the TV the top of the TV has nothing on it. (00:06:35 - 00:08:25)


Continuity mistake: In Karen's bedroom, when Chucky is shot in the leg he flies near the window, and there is a dresser table right beside the window. But minutes earlier, when Mike entered the room and the camera panned around the room, the dresser table was a couple of feet away from the window. (01:13:30 - 01:14:15)


Continuity mistake: As Maggie hears a noise as she's about to clean up the flour, she lowers the yellow-handled broom to the floor. It cuts, and you can see the yellow handle back up under Maggie's arm. (00:22:50)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy takes Chucky to Eddie Caputo's home, Andy stops off for a tinkle, putting Chucky on a rocking chair. We then see a view of Eddie Caputo's home, and there are wooden items and various junk lying around near the bottom of his front steps and yard. Yet seconds later when the camera pans up to the front stairs as if it's in the POV of Chucky running, nearly all the items have disappered. (00:35:50)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Detective Morris saves Karen from the peddler, Morris walks away, and Karen grabs him and says "Goddamn it, my son's life is at stake! What was it?", and Karens handbag strap which is hanging over her left shoulder, falls all the way down her arm. Yet when it cuts to a back shot, the strap is back over her shoulder. (00:50:55)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy makes his Mum breakfast, he pours the cereal and then puts the box down so we can see the front of the box. Then as he pours the milk, it cuts to the TV, then cuts back and he is still pouring, yet now we see the back of the cereal box, and the sugar pot that was right beside the cereal box has now moved to being beside the other pot. (00:07:15)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The position of the spilt flour on the floor differs from when the camera first pans to it, to when Maggie gets the broom and dustpan and begins to clean it up. (00:21:45 - 00:22:50)


Continuity mistake: When Andy is making his mum breakfast in bed, there is a glass of orange juice on the breakfast tray. During shots in the scene, the amount of juice in the tray changes. As he carries the tray to his mum's room, he keeps spilling juice out of the glass, yet in following shots the juice is either at the same level, or is even higher than before, etc. (00:08:15)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Karen and Maggie go to the peddler in the back alley, as they approach the peddler, the large dumpster behind the peddler has it's lid halfway open. Yet when it cuts to them reaching him, the dumpster is closed. Cardboard boxes piled up to the left of the dumpster also appear between the same shots. (00:11:30)


Continuity mistake: When Karen and Mike Norris talk in the graffitied room, and Mike tells Karen information about Chucky, in every back shot of Karen, a black handbag strap hangs on her left shoulder, yet in every front shots it isn't there. It appears/disappears/reappers several times. (00:58:40)


Continuity mistake: When Karen and Detective Norris arrive at Johns home, Karen runs to John, who is lying on the floor, bleeding, and she kneels down to speak to him. In one shot, she kneels and her arms are by her side and her handbag hangs over her left shoulder. It cuts and now her left hand is resting on Johns neck, and her handbag has disappeared from her shoulder. (01:02:45)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As Andy talks to Dr. Ardmore through the bars in the door at the institution, sometimes Andy's right hand is gripping the wooden door, sometimes not. (01:03:55)


Child's Play mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy makes his mum breakfast, he puts burnt toast onto a plate then puts a big lump of margarine on a slice of toast. Then when Andy pulls the tray from the counter, the margarine rolls off the slice of toast, onto the plate. Then when Andy walks to his mum's room, the margarine has jumped back onto the slice of burnt toast. (00:08:15)

Continuity mistake: When Aunt Maggie goes to pick up Andy and take him to bed, the cushion on the couch that Chucky is propped against, goes from sitting upright against the arm of the couch, to laying down on the couch between shots. (00:15:25)


Plot hole: Andy is suspected of having killed Eddie Caputo, because he was at the scene when Eddie's house blew up and Eddie was killed. But there are glaring things that go unquestioned: None of the cops seem to think it's strange that a six-year-old kid would travel by himself so far to some random house in order to blow it up. The South Side neighborhood where Eddie lives is halfway across the city from Andy's apartment. How did Andy know where Eddie lived? How do the cops think he even knew Eddie at all? None of them address this most puzzling problem.

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Suggested correction: The police believe Andy to be insane (hence why he is sent to a mental institution instead of juvenile hall), and thus do not believe his choice of victims to be in any way rational.

Also, as unlikely as it is that a six-year-old child could (or would) travel halfway across the city to murder a random person, the possibility that a child's doll came to life and carried out the act was considered far too outlandish at that point in the plot.


Suggested correction: We don't see the entire investigation. We just see the cops holding Andy then taking him to a psychiatric clinic. Chances are they were asking those questions and we just didn't see it because it's not important to the plot. Regardless, the cops have every reason to believe Andy either knows about or was partly responsible for the murders considering he keeps showing up at murder scenes. There's only so many conclusions you can draw, even if they don't make sense.


More mistakes in Child's Play

Chucky: We're friends 'til the end, remember?
Andy: This is the end, friend.

More quotes from Child's Play

Trivia: When Chucky is running behind Maggie, many children and child relatives of cast and crew were filmed doing the run while dressed up as Chucky, including Alex Vincent's younger sister, since it would have been impossible for the animatronic Chucky to run across screen like that. However, it is unknown which child ultimately was used in the final cut.

More trivia for Child's Play

Question: Why was the film banned in Ireland?

Answer: Both "Child's Play" and its sequels were banned in several European countries after the murder of 2-year old James Bulger in Liverpool in 1993 by two ten-year olds. Some people felt that the killing was done in a way very similar to how Chucky is disposed of in "Child's Play 3", and blamed the whole thing on violent movies, causing bans from several governments. Interestingly enough, the UK never officially banned these movies, but most video rentals refused to carry it.


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