
Revealing mistake: Dooley Wilson (a singer, drummer, and leader of his own touring band) who played "Sam" in the film, couldn't play the piano. A pianist was playing offstage while he sang the songs. If you look at Dooley's hands whenever he is 'playing' the piano, you can see that he is not playing the proper notes. (00:25:30)

Revealing mistake: When we see the shadow of Rick opening the safe, there is also the shadow of a candle centered in the shadow of an archway. When we see Rick closing the safe, the shadow of the candle is now at the edge of the shadow of the archway; showing that the two shots were lit differently. (00:18:00)


Revealing mistake: Near the very beginning of the film, we see the Moroccan police car with five officers speeding through the busy street with siren blaring and people jumping out of the way. The siren continues to be heard, as the scene shifts a total of five times within eight seconds to show the panic and confusion in the streets. As the siren continues, the scene shifts back to a glimpse of the police car once again, which is going through the same section of street, with the same buildings and painted mural and the same actors on both sides of the street. Watch the man in the white suit and hat jump out of the way of the same car two times within nine seconds. (00:01:00)

Revealing mistake: When Major Strasser's plane lands it is an obvious scale model, where the runway is neat and perfect. In the following aerial shot of a real runway it is filled with oil spills and squiggles of tar.


Revealing mistake: Claude Rains pretends to be smoking in quite a few scenes but it is obvious the character does not inhale. Rather, he barely puts the smoke in his mouth each time followed by blowing out large puffs of smoke.

Continuity mistake: In the final scenes at the airport, when Rick is talking to Major Strasser, the epaulettes on Strasser's shoulders alternately appear and disappear. (01:40:05)

More mistakes in Casablanca

Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?
Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here.
[A casino worker gives Renault a wad of money.]
Casino Worker: Your winnings, sir.
Captain Renault: [Quietly.] Oh, thank you very much. [Loudly.] Everybody out at once.

More quotes from Casablanca

Trivia: At no point in the film does anyone say "Play it again, Sam".

More trivia for Casablanca

Answer: She was married then, and discovered that Lazlo was still alive.


More questions & answers from Casablanca

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