
Other mistake: When the young Bulgarian man is winning at roulette, thanks to Rick, the croupier spins the wheel and releases the ball. When the ball lands on 22, he shouts, "Vingt et deux, noir farez pas." This means, "Twenty-two. The black didn't make it." The problem is, 22 is a black number. The black did indeed make it.

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Suggested correction: The croupier is saying "Noir pair et passe" - 22 being black (noir), even (pair) and high (passe).

This same croupier also mispronounces the French expression "les jeux sont fait", meaning that all "all bets are in "the last word, "fait" modifies the noun "jeux", which means "games." In French, the word "jeux" is plural, but its gender is MASCULINE, so it should be pronounce "fay "the croupier pronounces it as if it were plural, FEMININE, by saying "faites "pronounced "fete." Have watched this movie a thousand times, and just realised the mistake tonight. Have been to Casablanca, and to Ricks...have also taught French for many years...I should have caught this earlier...rookie mistake.

Les jeux sont faits, surely?

Nope...he" is NOT saying "vingt ET deux", even though it sounds like that. He is NOT saying the word "et", he is simply extending the pronunciation of "vingt "in effect saying "vingt-uh "very common in colloquial French...However, see my remark below about how he pronounces " les jeux sont fait", finally, the correct way to say 22 is "vingt deux" no "ET" is ever needed. Will listen more closely to see how the pronounces the result of the wheel's spin relative to "passe."

Continuity mistake: When Bogie is reading the note from Bergman, it is dissolved by the heavy rain and he is dripping wet, so is Sam, who delivered the note. But then he is standing on the step of the train totally dry. (00:47:00)

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