Captain Horatio Hornblower

Continuity mistake: When the Sutherland engages the four French ships, her masts are shot to doll rags, with the upper masts and fighting tops plunging to the deck. However, the lower shrouds and ratlines, which are attached to the tops, remain intact.

Factual error: As the Natividad appears, the lookout signals "ship's royals horizon, southeast" by using a shuttered lantern and morse code.unfortunately, neither the lantern nor the code had been invented in 1807. Flag hoists during the day, and rockets and flares at night were the methods of signaling at that time.

More mistakes in Captain Horatio Hornblower

Surgeon Gundarson: You'll lose more than Hazlett if you don't put ashore for fresh food and water.
Capt. Horatio Hornblower, R.N: Perhaps you'll dig into your medical kit and get me a breath of fresh wind.

More quotes from Captain Horatio Hornblower

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