The Cannonball Run

Audio problem: In the big fight sequence towards the end, when the two Lamborghini babes are rescued by Captain Chaos, one of them says, "You're so macho," but the girl's lips aren't moving. (01:18:15)


Visible crew/equipment: When the Sheik arrives at the hotel he gets out of his car and is talking. On the ground is a clear shadow of the boom microphone.

Other mistake: When the Japanese car passes the troopers sitting by the road, they're going 125 miles per hour by their speedometer. The trooper says that they're doing 125, but the radar readout says 20.

Movie Nut

Revealing mistake: When the two Japanese racers are stranded in the desert, they activate the secret rocket weapon. The stream of smoke that is supposed to be generated from the rocket appears to be coming from underneath the rocket, just above the rear bumper. (01:13:05)


Continuity mistake: A cop pulls up beside the two guys driving the GMC, and the driver yells to the cop that he has no brakes, so the cop moves along. The two guys laugh about it as next shot suddenly shows train tracks 1,000 feet ahead of them with a bunch of people working on a railcar, and a roadblock sign out front.

Batman: Mad Dog, you are going to take the shortcut to the interstate, right?
Mad Dog: We're in this to win, ain't we? If you're gonna be a bear, be a grizzly!

More quotes from The Cannonball Run

Trivia: When Dom gets back in the airplane after getting beer, Burt is discussing cars with him to use in the race. He says they could use a black Trans-Am. Then he says that it's been done before. It has. Remember that movie called Smokey and the Bandit?

More trivia for The Cannonball Run

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