Courtney: I hate to be predictable, but I don't give a shit! We learned that routine fair and square. We logged the man-hours. Don't punish the squad for Big Red's mistake. This isn't about cheating. This is about winning. Everyone in favor of winning?
Darcy: Remember: They give extra points for alacrity and effulgence.
Kasey: Did we bring those?
Courtney: Darcy thinks she should get captain 'cause her dad pays for everything.
Whitney: He should use some of that money to buy her a clue.
Darcy: Big Red ran the show, man. We were just flying ignorami, for sobbing out loud.
Courtney: Why does everyone have to go on a diet?
Sparky: Because! In cheerleading we throw people into the air. And fat people don't go as high.
Isis: Hey! Enjoy the show?
Lava: Yes, were the ethnic festivities to your liking today?
Torrance Shipman: So, is that your band or something?
Cliff: The Clash? Uh... no. It's a British punk band, circa 1977 to 1983-ish, original lineup anyway.
Torrance Shipman: How vintage.
Missy: I don't know what's scarier, neurotic cheerleaders or the pressure to win. I could make a killing selling something like Diet Prozac.
Aaron: Big Red's a bitch, we all know that. Even she knows that.
Answer: We always lacked coaches for sports at school and just did our own practices, maybe this film reflects that aspect also?