Bride of Chucky

Other mistake: When Tiff picks up Chucky to throw him into the crib, you can tell that the Chucky doll is inactive and not on or alive. (00:21:20)

Other mistake: In the beginning, when Tiffany has just had her soul put into the bride doll, she is reading the "Voodoo for Dummies" book and Chucky tells her that the page she is looking for is in Chapter Six, page 217. When she flips to it, the camera shows the top of the page before panning downwards. On the top of the page it very clearly says "Chapter Eleven". (00:31:45)

Other mistake: At the end, when Jade opens Chucky's coffin, there are several large rats inside, despite being sealed and buried under 6 feet of dirt for over ten years.

Continuity mistake: When Chucky kills the coroner there is a generous amount of blood splashing on the gravestone. But in the next shot we can see that he is standing next to the gravestone. Chucky shot the coroner in the back of the head since he was looking in the other direction and is falling on his face, so there should be no blood on the gravestone.

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Damien: Come on, let me in or I'm likely to catch my death out here.
Tiffany: Promises, promises.

More quotes from Bride of Chucky
Bride of Chucky trivia picture

Trivia: In the evidence depository in the beginning you can see Jason Voorhees' hockey mask (Friday the 13th), Leatherface's chainsaw (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Michael Myers' mask (Halloween), and Freddy Krueger's glove (Nightmare on Elm Street). (00:00:45)

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Answer: As specified in Seed of Chucky it's a voodoo pregnancy. That's why the pregnancy last shorter than a normal one.


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