Bride of Chucky

Tiffany, Chuckys girlfriend collects chucky's remains from an evidance locker and ressurects him. Tiffany then finds out that Chucky didn't really want to Marry her and she locks him up. Chucky kills her and channels her spirit into a doll. Chuck is determined to get back into a human body and so wants to get the talismen form his grave. So Tiffany calls Jesse, her neighbour and give him $1,000 to deliver the two dolls to Chucky's Grave. Meanwhile, Jesse and Jade are running away to be together when Chucky and Tiffany take a lift; killing a cop, Jade's Step dad, thier friend David, Two people in a Campervan and a honeymooning couple. Jade and Jesse both think that each other is killing the people until they realise that the dolls in the car are doing it.

James McManus

Plot hole: In the end of the film it is heard the police want to exhume the body of Charles Lee Ray from his grave site in New Jersey. Now when Chucky and the crew get to the grave site they find and kill a coroner who is digging up the body. He is the only one there at 1am, by himself, a lonely coroner without any police officers, after all this is a police investigation and I doubt the cops would have him there alone. Then right at the end the Detective who is hunting them arrives. Now he is a cop from Lockport, about six states away. A. Why did he drive all that way to see the body? B. A cop from all the way down there shows up but no new Jersey cops are at the scene?

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Damien: Come on, let me in or I'm likely to catch my death out here.
Tiffany: Promises, promises.

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Bride of Chucky trivia picture

Trivia: In the evidence depository in the beginning you can see Jason Voorhees' hockey mask (Friday the 13th), Leatherface's chainsaw (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Michael Myers' mask (Halloween), and Freddy Krueger's glove (Nightmare on Elm Street). (00:00:45)

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Answer: As specified in Seed of Chucky it's a voodoo pregnancy. That's why the pregnancy last shorter than a normal one.


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