
Revealing mistake: During the ending sequence, just as J.T. Walsh is pushing the truck on the bridge, there is a shot looking at the front of the semi and you can see that it is not J.T. Walsh driving. The stunt man is noticeably heavier than J.T. is, and his hair is messier.


Revealing mistake: Near the end, when Kurt Russell and his wife are in a beige utility truck which is being rammed through a bridge railing by the semi-tractor, there are at least two close up shots in which miniature models were very obvious.

Breakdown mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Kurt is being chased after in the truck at the end, he pulls out onto the main highway and the truck skids. There are several tire marks where they practised this skid before. Also, at the very end when the truck is being pushed by the semi, look ahead of the front truck tire, more previous tire marks. (01:21:20)


Revealing mistake: When Jeff and Amy are being chased by Red near the end and Red's truck begins to jackknife, you can see how they made the trailer slide in that direction. It seems that they constructed or used a trailer that had a set of wheels that would turn. They were turned in the direction of the slide.

Revealing mistake: When Kurt is floating down the river after escaping the vehicle, his shirt looks much bigger than normal, indicating he is wearing a flotation device.


Revealing mistake: During the chase on the dirt road, Jeff pulls the Jeep up to the edge of a cliff. Look at the ground ahead of where he ends up. There are clear tire tracks, and the Jeep follows them to a T. This was obviously where they practiced the scene before.


Revealing mistake: There are no keys in the Jeep when we see the breakdown happen. You can see the steering wheel and where the keys should be. How is this car even moving? (00:08:05 - 00:08:35)


Revealing mistake: When Kurt Russell is climbing the side of truck you can see a fence revealing that they are parked, even though wind is blowing to make it look like they are moving.

Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the movie Jeff and his wife were moving to San Diego from Massachusetts. Well, they were driving in their new Jeep (with Massachusetts plates) through Arizona. When Amy comments about how fast Jeff is driving, the camera shot shows the speedometer at 80 mph and the odometer shows the Jeep has only 245miles. That must be a new record from MA to AZ..... (Note: not visible on DVD version of film.)

More mistakes in Breakdown

Red: You're a tough man to get a hold of, Jeffery.
Jeff: What do you want?
Red: It's not what I want, it's what you want, and how bad you want it. 'Cause it's gonna cost you. Can't show it to you right now, but it's about 5'5", 115 pounds, three or four of that just pure tit. Nice curly brown hair, upstairs and down. Interested?

More quotes from Breakdown

Trivia: Final movie featuring JT Walsh to be released during his lifetime.

More trivia for Breakdown

Question: When Kurt Russell gets pulled over by the sheriff, the sheriff gets shot and begins to radio dispatch. Dispatch then asks the sheriff what his 20 (location) is. Kurt Russell grabs the radio and also does not tell dispatch where they were, but dispatch says they are on the way. How can they be on the way if they don't know his location?

Answer: There's only one major road in and out of the town. They knew where the Sheriff was coming from (Red called in an accident out of town to get the Sheriff out of their hair). If they start driving along the road the Sheriff took to get back to town eventually they'll find him.


Answer: Jeff (Russell) may have thought that the sheriff already called in a location explaining why he didn't include it. He was not by the sheriff at the time the sheriff made the radio call - he ran up to him shortly afterwards.

Answer: There would be a tracker in the radio to let dispatch know exactly where the officer is.


GPS? RF frequency? No tracking on walkie-talkies in 1997.

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