The Bodyguard

The Bodyguard (1992)

29 mistakes

(12 votes)

Character mistake: Whitney Houston's character, Rachel, is arriving at the Oscars and waves at the fans outside. A fan is holding a sign and it spells her name as "Rachael". When Rachel wins her award, her name on the TV is spelled "Rachel". (01:40:35)

Visible crew/equipment: Towards the end of the fight in Frank's kitchen, when Tony pulls the knife out of the holder, look at the bottom right side of the glass front of the cupboard in front of a pile of plates: There is a beautiful reflection of a crew member in a white shirt giving signs with his arm. (00:41:40)


Continuity mistake: The birthmark on Rachel's upper lip undergoes some make-up related changes throughout the movie. However, it shouldn't have disappeared completely between the moment she says good-bye to Frank on the airport and when she sits in the plane a few seconds later. (01:56:45)


Continuity mistake: When Delaney hires Frank there's a sprinkler rotating in the background. When the camera angle changes it's gone, but at least the hose that runs across the lawn should be in the picture. (00:03:50)


Continuity mistake: When Frank is in the pool house watching Rachel's music video, one minute he is leaning forward in his chair to watch it, and the next you see him sat back in the chair and then he starts to lean forward. (00:29:40)

Other mistake: After Frank's first visit to Rachel's house he's in the car and in the last close-up shot of him when he's about to drive away, he puts the car into park.


Factual error: Outside the Oscars, the camera pans around to show the crowds and the security guards on the surrounding rooftops. One is holding a rifle which he should be, however there is another guard standing next to him overlooking the crowd holding a shotgun. This makes no sense at all, if he were to ever use that weapon from his position he would hit dozens of people.


Continuity mistake: When Frank pursues the killer at the lake house, through the snow-clad forest, his breath doesn't show. But he comes from a warm house directly out into a freezing night air.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: In the scene where she takes him into the boutique, she goes into a dressing room with a curtain across the opening. The shot pans from looking over the curtain, where it has 5 ruffles, to Kevin Costner and then back over the curtain which now only has 3 ruffles even though she hasn't come out. (00:27:45)

Rachel: So, can we get you anything?
Frank: Yeah, orange juice.
Rachel: Straight?

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Trivia: The script originally had Rachel singing "What Becomes of the Broken Hearted". It was Kevin Costner's idea to go with "I Will Always Love You" instead.

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Question: I have two questions. Firstly after beating up the guy in the hotel kitchen, Frank returns to the room and tells Delaney that he is quitting. Why was he so ticked off? And secondly, if Nicki was the one who hired Portman to kill Rachel, why did Portman kill Nicki and why did he try to molest Rachel in the bedroom?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: I think he was ticked off because he was being so personally affected by Rachel. He talks about being disciplined. He tries to keep emotions away from his job, but he liked Rachel. Also, Rachel at the time was angry with him, but also showed a lot of disregard for her own safety (as you remember, when he got back it was just after she and Tony went shopping without telling Frank). So yeah, I think it was frustration for the overall situation. To answer your second question, from the conversation with Frank at the lakeside house, Nikki had asked around at a club she went to, but she herself didn't hire Portman. Someone named Armando did the hiring.

Meg Charnley

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