Blue Streak

Trivia: Anytime there is an overhead shot of the LAPD police cars, number 664 is always there. ML even drives it at one point, and I think in one shot where he chases the armoured car, its number is 664.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where he is driving the remote control car, he has glasses and a remote control. He walks into a debriefing still driving the car but when the lights go on the glasses and remote vanish.

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Tulley: I'll rip your lips off, and kiss my ass with them shits. I'll rip your tongue out, and lick my balls with it.

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Question: How is it that Carlson can know that Miles hid the diamond in the police station, but not know what Miles looks like?


Answer: He most likely noticed a lot of weird stuff and started piecing it together. Like Miles having an obsession with the ventilation system, Tulley shouting Miles over and over again down the alley and again when he says Logan owes him $50,000. He'd be able to access police records and see that Miles Logan was arrested inside that very building whilst it was still under construction but the diamond wasn't on him... At this point, it wouldn't take much to figure out what was happening and who he was.

But if there are records of Miles' arrest that he can access, shouldn't there be an accompanying mugshot?


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