Blue Streak

Blue Streak (1999)


(6 votes)

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Miles Logan: Hey, this is the police. Move your busted-ass vehicle. Move, move, move, move. This is the LAPD. We'll pop one in your ass. We got guns and shit.

Tulley: That guy Logan owes me $50,000... If I don't get it soon, I'M talkin'.

Miles Logan: Yo tengo el gato los pantalones.
Carlson: You just said you have a cat in your pants.

Miles Logan: Damn. What happened? Did you eat the whole time I was in there? Wait a minute, that's all right. I can adjust, it's the love that counts. I can adjust to a plus size woman, just more cushion for the pushing.
Shawna: Janiece! Your sad-ass sack of bones is here.
Miles Logan: I apologize, you're her cousin. Can I buy you some cereal?

Miles Logan: Diaz, is it? Diaz?
Detective Diaz: With a 'Z'.

Tulley: I'll rip your lips off, and kiss my ass with them shits. I'll rip your tongue out, and lick my balls with it.

Tulley: Then he said I was ugly and I couldn't read good.

Continuity mistake: After becoming fed up with his Luke Wilson's slow driving, Lawrence decides to take over. When he jumps the bridge, they cut to the reactions of the actors inside the car. You can see in the background that they are not airborne, but still on the ground.

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Trivia: Anytime there is an overhead shot of the LAPD police cars, number 664 is always there. ML even drives it at one point, and I think in one shot where he chases the armoured car, its number is 664.

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Question: In the scene when Logan intrudes on a briefing while looking for the diamond, the policemen mention something like the P-30 or something to that effect. What is it?

Answer: The P-30s they were discussing were the department-issued guns the cops had. They were complaining that they were not good to use and since Logan was lead detective, they made him decide what to do with the issue.

T Poston

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