Black Dog

Plot hole: When Swayze goes through the weigh station, he is told he is exactly 80000 lbs in the US for a tandem tractor/trailer, (which is the legal limit, unless he has a permit, but unlikely to be EXACTLY that weight due to fuel burn, weight of driver, tools, etc) and sent around to have the load inspected. In 11 years of driving I have NEVER had a scalemaster inspect a load inside a dry van. Customs agents do, but not scalemasters. Also, Swayze tells the scalemaster he doesn't know why the pit bull is there, as he just picked up the trailer. That excuse wouldn't fly with an official. Finally, the way the trailer is loaded, the load would shift all over the place, probably not making 100 miles before being destroyed. (00:38:10)

Continuity mistake: Before the biker disconnects the air lines, he is shown on the back of the truck. At one point you can see that the air lines are already disconnected. Not to mention that the trailer tires will lock up without air, and shortly after the entire truck will lock up. (00:57:20 - 00:58:20)

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Earl: One fart and you're walkin'.

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Question: Is the whole thing with truckers seeing "a black dog" when they have been on the road too long true, or made up purely for the film?


Chosen answer: It's an old trucker's myth that has been around for a long time. There's no known origin for the story, but supposedly when truckers become drowsy, they can see a demon-like black canine of some sort running along the side of the road. This legend was incorporated into the movie.


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