Death Warrant

Other mistake: A fast editing makes a double kick on the face all the more impressive not to mention impossible. Get the pause button ready. (01:08:00)

Other mistake: The bad guy burning clearly has his face and hands protected. (01:22:00)

Other mistake: At the board meeting near the beginning, it's noticeable that there is a smoky haze in the room, and this is also very noticeable in several close-up scenes, where this smoke haze can be seen wafting behind them. It's far too thick and too prevalent to be considered steam from the coffee, however no-one appears to be smoking, and there's not even an ashtray on the table.


Deliberate mistake: Towards the end of the movie, when Van Damme and the Sandman are fighting in the boiler room, the Sandman gets kicked into an open furnace for some time and then jumps out covered in flames. It's noticeable that he still has a full head of hair, which is impossible. Hair would be the first thing burnt right down to the scalp within a matter of seconds.


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Louis Burke: Great. Now we have all the assholes in one room.

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Trivia: The cook serving dinner before Perez pulls a knife on Hawkins is Mark Disalle, one of the producers of the film.

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Question: Why was Burke's arm bleeding when he was hiding on the vents near the ceiling of the record room?

Answer: In the scene before that he scraped and cut his arm on the file cabinet as he was closing it looking for information.

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