Big Momma's House

Other mistake: When Nia Long and Martin Lawrence are sitting in the boat on the water, talking about Jascha Washington. You can see a fisherman in the background, but if you look close enough, you can see it's a fake person. (00:55:35)

Big Momma's House mistake picture

Other mistake: When Big Momma is taking a shower, you can clearly see that the shower head is a mirror, with the water coming only out of the top, and when Big Momma bends over, you can also see her reflection in the shower head. (00:12:00)

Other mistake: In the scene where they surprise Big Momma for her birthday, Nolan takes the gun from Malcolm (he says give it to me, you ain't supposed to have that, etc. then says I'm gonna go secure the perimeter when he gets the gun) . They show the gun and their hands up close. It is loaded, the safety is off, it is cocked and Malcolm has his finger on the trigger. Nolan is pressing Malcolm's fingers. If he had really been fighting for the gun the way it seems, the gun would have gone off.

Other mistake: Near the end where the real Big Momma knocks over the 2 fighting guys and falls back on top of the security guards, and she's being held down, you can see what appears to be part of a fat suit coming from underneath her clothing. (01:26:50)

Factual error: In the movie, when the baby is born and Big Momma delivers it, the baby comes out without any blood and there's no umbilical cord. (00:34:20)

More mistakes in Big Momma's House

Big Momma: Somebody better tell me something, cause this show is some freaky shit.

More quotes from Big Momma's House

Trivia: The disgusting food that Big Momma makes for Trent and Sherry is exactly the food that is visible being made in the movie "Nothing To Lose", where Martin Lawrence first enters a restaurant with Tim Robbins in the desert at the start of the movie.

More trivia for Big Momma's House

Question: When Malcolm was hiding in the shower there was a window on his left - why didn't he use it to escape?

Answer: He tried opening the window, but it was stuck. He could also not have gotten through the window without making noise and being discovered. He just wanted to get out of the room without being seen.


More questions & answers from Big Momma's House

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