Big Momma's House

Revealing mistake: Near the end of the movie, when Malcolm's partner pulls out his gun and Lester shoots him, the bullet hole in the wall appears before the bullet wound in Paul Giamatti's arm.


Factual error: In the movie, when the baby is born and Big Momma delivers it, the baby comes out without any blood and there's no umbilical cord. (00:34:20)

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Ben: I've been waiting on this moment ever since I first laid eyes on you.
Malcolm Turner: Ben, whatever you started in that bed, trust me, you're going to finish alone.

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Trivia: The disgusting food that Big Momma makes for Trent and Sherry is exactly the food that is visible being made in the movie "Nothing To Lose", where Martin Lawrence first enters a restaurant with Tim Robbins in the desert at the start of the movie.

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Question: At 12:07 is it the shower or the toilet that makes a weird draining noise? Almost what does he look at that makes him vomit? (00:12:07)

Answer: The "draining noises" are Big Momma taking a dump. Big Momma didn't flush either so I'm assuming he took a look at her stools and what he saw made him feel sick.

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