
Candyman (1992)


(4 votes)

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Anne-Marie McCoy: White people never come 'round here except to cause us a problem.
Helen Lyle: Believe me, that's not what we want to do.

Candyman: Your death will be a tale to frighten children; to make lovers cling closer to their rapture. Come with me, and be immortal.

Candyman: Be my victim.

Candyman: You're mine now. Tonight our congregation shall witness a new miracle.

Anne-Marie McCoy: You say you're doing a study? What 'you gonna study? How we're bad? We steal? We gang-bang? We're ALL on drugs right?.. We ain't all like them assholes downstairs, you know. I just wanna raise my child good.

Continuity mistake: The first time Helen is at Cabrini Green and she goes through the medicine cabinet into the other apartment she has to actually crawl through the small opening in the wall where the medicine cabinet is, but when she goes back at the end to find the baby the hole in the wall has grown considerably, she just crouches and walks right through.


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Suggested correction: The hole became bigger because the Candyman is there now. Do you expect him to crawl?

I don't expect him to have to go through the opening at all since he is the Candyman. He can get into places without walking through a physical opening.


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Trivia: Part of the film was actually shot at the infamous Cabrini-Green housing projects. The crew had to pay off members of local street-gangs in order to maintain a peaceful shoot. (Although allegedly, one bullet was fired at a production vehicle during photography).

More trivia for Candyman

Question: I'm confused by the ending. Did Helen herself become just like Candyman, was it really Candyman using Helen's body, or did Helen simply decide to make a brief return from the dead to make her husband pay for his betrayal?

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: It's a bit ambiguous, but just as Candyman became a tortured soul who suffered a painful and unjust death, to too did Helen.

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