Bicentennial Man

Trivia: The song Andrew listens in the player is from an opera named "Rusalka". This opera is based on a water nymph who wants to become human for love. Just as Andrew.


Trivia: The exterior shots of the NorthAm Robotics buildings where we see Andrew and Mr Martin walking are actually the headquarters of Oracle which is based in Redwood Shores, California. Also the office of Dennis Mansky, Head of NorthAm Robotics is the office of Larry Ellison, CEO of Oracle.


Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, when Portia and Andrew are lying in their "beds," they are holding hands. In all of the far away shots, Andrew's hand is on top, but in the close shots, it is underneath. (01:59:20)

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Andrew Martin: Sir, is everything all right?
Sir: Umm. They've both gone now, Andrew. Well, things change, things always change. People move on. It's as it should be. But, what I realised today is that I'll never stop missing them.
Andrew Martin: Sir? One is still here.
Sir: And one is glad of that Andrew. Thank you.

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Question: What year do you think it is when Andrew returns to the Martin family home and meets Portia, as well as the older Little Miss?

Answer: According to various wikis, the year is 2068.


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