What Women Want

Mel Gibson loses his power, his job, and ends up with Helen Hunt.


Continuity mistake: At the beginning, when Lauren Holly is explaining about her ex-husband, the little boy has a photo taken with all the girls. The woman on the far left opens her jacket in a flasher style, but in the actual picture, her hands are on her hips.

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Alex: Oh please, Mom had this talk with me when I was like, 11.

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Trivia: You may have gotten a twitch of deja vu when he exited the building in the rain, with the camera facing south toward the Chicago Board of Trade building. The scene was located in the exact same place, on the exact same corner, in front of the exact same building as a scene in Payback (albeit without the paper vending machine to put a gun in).

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Question: Why is it that Nick can't hear what his two women co-workers are thinking?

Answer: The joke is that they have no thoughts for him to hear.


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