What Women Want

Trivia: The fictional childhood of Nick, growing up in a burlesque club surrounded by beautiful, nearly naked women who adored him, is bizarrely similar to the actual childhood of Alan Alda, who plays the boss character. Alan Alda's father ran a burlesque club, and apparently the strippers and dancers treated the young Alda as a mascot, even keeping him in the changing room as they got dressed. However, as an adult Alda became an activist for feminist causes, rather than the chauvinist effect it had on the fictional Nick.

Trivia: You may have gotten a twitch of deja vu when he exited the building in the rain, with the camera facing south toward the Chicago Board of Trade building. The scene was located in the exact same place, on the exact same corner, in front of the exact same building as a scene in Payback (albeit without the paper vending machine to put a gun in).

Continuity mistake: When Mel tries on the pantyhose, the hole in the left leg changes from large on the outside of his leg, to small with a run on the outside of his leg to large on the inside of his leg. (00:25:45)

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Alex: Oh please, Mom had this talk with me when I was like, 11.

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Question: What would happen to Erin's interview if Darcy fires Nick, as it was Nick who arranged to meet her?

Answer: She would come in and explain it and they would either cancel it or interview her anyway.

Grumpy Scot

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