Beavis and Butthead Do America

Other mistake: When the bus starts to leave the Hoover dam (as seen through Dallas' binoculars), the driver is missing. The steering wheel is shown with no-one behind it.

Other mistake: When Beavis and Butthead start walking through the desert, their shadows don't match the direction in relation to the sun.

Continuity mistake: When they are in the Whitehouse, and Beavis has turned into Cornholio, he picks up the "Red" hotline phone on the President's desk, and is talking to the nuclear bomb officials. Later, when they are in the President's office again, getting their certificates, there is now a black phone on the desk, where the red one was. (01:03:05 - 01:11:00)

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Agent Flemming: Well, I'll be a monkey's bare-assed uncle.

More quotes from Beavis and Butthead Do America

Trivia: Beavis' desert hallucinations were drawn by Rob Zombie (for those who don't know, the lead singer of metal band White Zombie.)

More trivia for Beavis and Butthead Do America

Question: During the opening credits, was there a TV show being parodied by Beavis and Butthead? If so, what was the show?

Answer: It was a variety of 70's cop shows. The car is from "Starsky and Hutch" (just a different color). The opening style is from "Charlie's Angels." The song is similar to the song from "Shaft" and a parody of "Two Tough Guys."


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