The Towering Inferno

Continuity mistake: When Fred Astaire leaves the cab he doesn't have anything in his hand with the box, but as he walks to the hotel he has a small bunch of flowers which he takes into the hotel with him. But they are never seen again. He does not give them to his date, nor does have a flower in his buttonhole.

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Suggested correction: He has the flowers with him the entire time, from the cab ride to entering the hotel. You can see them when he pays the cabbie and when he's going to the hotel. He's carrying the flowers and the box in the same hand.

Continuity mistake: When O.J. Simpson (Security Guard) attempts to rescue the mother and 2 children from their apartment, he kicks the door in. If you look closely, the door is actually open and he's holding it shut so he "can" kick it in! (01:06:45)

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Trivia: Stars Paul Newman and Steve McQueen apparently argued intensely over who should get top billing. In the end the producers settled for a compromise: reading the film poster (which is reproduced as the DVD cover) top to bottom, Paul Newman is first, i.e. higher, or "top" billing. But reading left to right, Steve McQueen is first. The same applies to their photographs either side of the main artwork, McQueen on the left but Newman (marginally) higher up. Ironically, this billing format was an issue when McQueen was considered for a role in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid."


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Question: Where does Fred Astaire get his briefcase from, as he did not walk in with it? He walked in only carrying his suit and a bunch of flowers.

Answer: The briefcase arrived the same time the golf clubs did.

Answer: This is most likely a continuity error. The briefcase was accidentally left out of the arrival scene.


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