Continuity mistake: When Dr. Frankenstein introduces himself to the monster with a soothing "Hello, there", his right hand is on the restraint over the monster's chest. The next shot shows the doctor placing his hand on the restraint again.

Continuity mistake: When Jingle, Jangle, and Mrs. Claus pay a visit to Mother Nature, Mother Nature calls her sons beside her - Snow Miser and Heat Miser. She then turns to Snow Miser and asks him to allow a little snow fall in the South, and then turns to his brother, Heat Miser, and asks to allow just "one Spring day at the North Pole." The words are correct dialog, but she should have said each of those lines to the OTHER brother. (00:39:40)

Continuity mistake: When Mongo enters Rock Ridge on the steer, the cuff on the chain around his neck instantly switches from open end facing left to facing right in the next cut.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Thunderbolt and Lightfoot are in the car with the crazy driver. The car goes over the embankment and as it flips you can see a wheel break off. A short time later they both drive off in the same car, with the wheel attached again.

Continuity mistake: During the scenic elevator rescue scenes, the building has moved across the downtown core and is now located next to the Transamerica Pyramid, which is many city blocks to the west.

Continuity mistake: This film's set in the 50s, but the actors use 20 Austrian Schilling bank notes, which were only issued in the mid 1970s.

Continuity mistake: When Barbara Windsor is getting undressed to prove that she is not a man, there is a red garment which is crumpled up on the bed behind her. When she finishes undressing the red garment is spread fully across the bed.

Continuity mistake: During the chase where Larry's Charger knocks a police car in the river, the '69 Charger becomes a '68 Charger in one shot, as seen from the front. The '68 has a different grille than the '69 models. (01:09:40)

Continuity mistake: During the chase scene with the police, Bond swerves past a driver in a dark green 1956 Plymouth Savoy. As the police cars pass the Plymouth, the scene cuts to an inside shot of the car with the driver yelling. Then, the driver loses control of the car and rolls it over. The car that crashes is a green 1955 Chevrolet 210 series, not the 1956 Plymouth.

Continuity mistake: After Burt Reynolds hits the guard in the crotch with the football, a wide shot shows 2:29 left in the game. He hits him again on the next play, and the scoreboard shows 2:35 left. The clock in a football game, of course, counts down, not up.

Continuity mistake: In the first "Godfather" film, we see Vito Corleone's tombstone, and it says there that he was born on April 29. In this movie, however, Sonny curses the Japanese for bombing Pearl Harbor on Vito's birthday. The attack on Pearl Harbor happened on December 7, 1941.

Continuity mistake: After the hitch-hiker smears blood from his hand all over the side of the teenagers van, in the very next shot as we see the van riding away down the road, the blood has disappeared from the side. (00:16:40)

Continuity mistake: The small plane's pilot identifies the aircraft as 232Z. But in the exterior shots, the aircraft's identification is N9750Y. (00:35:00)

Continuity mistake: When the girl is driving the truck, you can plainly see the front bumper get bent, but a few scenes later it is straight again.

Continuity mistake: After Mr. Palmer walks over and tries to pick up Claude Mulvihill's gun (which Jack kicks away) we see Jack's hat on his left. In the next shot as Jake picks it up it's now on his right. (01:19:40)

Continuity mistake: When Poirot and Mr. Ratchett first meet in the restaurant car, Poirot has to correct Ratchett's pronunciation of his name. Poirot then points with his right hand toward Ratchett, but when it cuts to a close-up of Poirot, both his hands are on the table. The angle changes back, and Poirot's hand is once again lifted.

Continuity mistake: When Hadrian jumps the mustang over the upturned car, the film slows down to show the jump in slow motion. When the car lands, it hits so hard the car spins around and ends up facing the cars it jumped. The scene is then repeated at normal speed, but just as the car would be shown spinning out, a shot of the car driving away from the accident is shown.

Continuity mistake: There are a number of scenes (stable house, car, hotel) showing Claudia wearing a green harness dress. It is quite obvious that she is not wearing a brassiere in all of those scenes. In the hotel room, where Foxy and Claudia meet the judges, Claudia removes the green dress and is now wearing a bra. It would be highly unlikely that she would be putting one on, at the same time she is getting undressed. This was obviously done to cut down on nudity in the film. (00:41:30 - 00:47:45)

Continuity mistake: Bronson shoots the first thug in the lower stomach but the cops state that he was shot in the chest.

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the earthquake, outside of the office building the entire scene is out of continuity. Just watch the woman with the orange dress.