
Continuity mistake: Whenever shots show the view looking down on the ground when Batman and Vicky are hanging from the cathedral, it only shows two spotlights shining upwards from the ground. In other shots just showing the upper part of the cathedral, there are three or four beams visible. Also, the movement of the beams from the ground and the ones actually on the actors don't correlate between shots.

Continuity mistake: When Batman is first seen at the beginning of the scene at Axis Chemicals, he pulls a thug over a rail and hangs him from it. But when we see Batman standing over the rail, the thug is hanging from a pulley on the ceiling.

Audio problem: Knox is thrown from the hood of Vicki's car into a pile of garbage. He cries "No, no, no." He is obviously dubbed, as his cries continue briefly after he has already landed in the garbage.

Continuity mistake: The clown balloon was swelling with the Smilex gas, but when Batman steals it and flies it and the other balloons away, it's back to normal shape.

Movie Nut

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Suggested correction: The balloons were not filled with Smilex gas. The Smilex was in canisters that are visible underneath the balloons. The balloons themselves could have expended and contracted due to varying air pressure.


Yes the canisters were on the underside. But if you look closely, when activated, the balloon began to swell, and holes appeared, releasing the gas.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: After rescuing Vicki from the museum, Batman leads Joker's henchmen on a downtown chase with the Batmobile. One car on his tail causes a major pileup at the intersection near Monarch Theatre. A short time later when the unmanned Batmobile is making its way down the street, it passes right through that very same intersection. This time, however, there are no indications that a pileup ever took place just moments before. All mangled vehicles and debris have disappeared. (01:08:20 - 01:12:00)


Continuity mistake: The background behind Bruce's TV set changes all by itself in the scene where he and Alfred are watching Joker's Smylex commercial. (00:56:55)


Batman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Vicki introduces herself to Knox at Gotham Globe, the newspaper she's reading changes between shots. (00:13:25)


Continuity mistake: In the scene where the joker fires at Batman using his extra long gun, the barrel is straight and solid, yet when he is forcing Vicki up the Cathedral steps, he collapses the gun into a pistol.

Factual error: The Bat signal at the end would not show up like it did in the film. In order to be as clear as it was, as well as visible, it would actually have to shine onto a surface, not just the clouds. They made this same mistake in Returns, but made it believable in the clouds (just not as sharp) in Forever.

Continuity mistake: When Knox and Vicki talk about Corto Maltese, she puts her left hand by her neck. Shot changes, and now both hands are on her neck. (00:13:51)


Continuity mistake: Notice The Joker's chin in the bell tower. It's covered in blood when first shown, a shot later it's suddenly just the center of his chin.


Character mistake: The newspaper that reveals the combination of products that activates the Joker's poison has at least two grammar mistakes on the front page. The word "deodorant's" should not have had an apostrophe, and the word odoreaters was spelled "odoureaters," which has the British spelling of the word odor (Gotham City is obviously in the United States, not the UK). (01:17:10)


Continuity mistake: While Vicky is talking with Bruce at the Batcave she has some tears on her face which disappear between shots.

Continuity mistake: When the Joker is giving the money to the people a bill sticks on the top side of the throne which disappears and reappears between shots.

Visible crew/equipment: Set lights are reflected in a building's second story window just before the Joker and his goons start tossing handfuls of cash to the crowd. (01:36:30)


Continuity mistake: When Mayor Borg urges Harvey Dent to do something about the Joker's Smylex scare, a phone rings. As Dent goes to answer it, the cigar in his right hand jumps to his mouth between frames. (00:58:25)


Continuity mistake: When Nic is dangling helplessly above the back alley, Batman changes position on the building's ledge from one shot to the next (note the seam between his boots). (00:06:30)


Revealing mistake: After the Batmobile's pair of machine guns riddles a straight line of bullet holes through a bay door of Axis Chemicals, it drives in and eventually goes on to blow up the plant. It might seem like the bullet holes themselves would weaken the bay door enough for the Batmobile to push through. But instead - as the bay door falls to the ground - notice how a ready-made seam splits apart directly above the line of bullet holes. (01:34:15)


Continuity mistake: Right before the Batmobile is forced to park in front of a tractor's plow, it drives down the same stretch of road twice in consecutive shots (note the swerving car). (01:08:35)


The Joker: And now, folks, it's time for "Who do you trust!" Hubba, hubba, hubba! Money, money, money! Who do you trust? Me? I'm giving away free money. And where is the Batman? HE'S AT HOME WASHING HIS TIGHTS!

More quotes from Batman

Trivia: Here's a nice touch. Look at the picture of "Batman" the artist shows Knox (the one of the bat in a suit.) In the lower right corner of the paper is the autograph of Batman creator Bob Kane. Additionally, the artist is named "Bob the Cartoonist" in the credits.

More trivia for Batman

Answer: He could have looked up her address in the phone book. Just before Bruce arrives at Vikki's apartment, Joker asks Bob the Goon for - a phone book. Also he could have been tailing Bruce and found her apartment that way, after all he does show up not long after Bruce does.

Alan Keddie

Chosen answer: She's a semi-famous reporter/photographer. It would be fairly easy (especially for a criminal) to find her home.

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