The Santa Clause

Factual error: Finishing his rounds on the morning of Christmas Day, flying over downtown Chicago, the sun is over the horizon west of Chicago, Sunrises occur in the east, not the west. (00:26:10)


More mistakes in The Santa Clause

Scott Calvin: Can we take a direct flight back to reality, or do we have to change planes in Denver?

More quotes from The Santa Clause

Trivia: Another place to spot an elf is in the beginning when the children are looking through the toy store window. The next place to see elves is when Tim Allen gets arrested and there is a crowd around the house. If you look carefully, you can see that some of the children are actually elves.

More trivia for The Santa Clause

Answer: Because Neil thinks Charlie is old enough now that he should no longer believe in fantasy figures like Santa Claus.


Answer: Because some parents don't think it's logical thinking.

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