Repo Man

Visible crew/equipment: Just before Otto and Bud enter the liquor store, when the gang (Archie, Duke and Debbi) are leaving having robbed the place, a boom microphone can be seen reflected in the store window's glass near the top (right side of screen). Additionally, when Otto and Bud enter the store, Bud says "awful quiet in here" and the boom mic can be seen again much more clearly in the glass window next to Bud's head. (00:23:45)

Visible crew/equipment: There is a scene in this movie where Emilio Estevez and his partner are sitting in a car outside a shop. The camera tracks in on them. The problem is the crew havent bothered to hide the camera track running from the bottom of the frame up under the car. There is a badly placed black mat that covers a bit of it but this just draws your attention to it.

Visible crew/equipment: When Otto and Lite steal the red sports car at least three baseball cap wearing crew members can be seen reflected in the car's window as Otto winds the window down. (00:31:23)

Jack Vaughan

Visible crew/equipment: When Otto storms out of Bud's car after an argument, we see him walking aimlessly down a straight road. Just before he approaches a red "STOP" sign you can see the boom microphone reflected in the window next to him. (01:05:40)

Jack Vaughan

Continuity mistake: When Marlene buzzes Otto into the office she is holding a telephone, but in the next shot she is holding a pen. (00:12:25)


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Otto: I'm a repo man.
Leila: What's that?
Otto: It's a repossessor, I take back cars from dildos who don't pay their bills. Cool, huh?
Leila: No.

More quotes from Repo Man

Trivia: All of the Repo Men except Otto are named after brands of American beer: Bud (Budweiser), Miller, Lite (Miller Lite), and Oly (Olympia).

More trivia for Repo Man

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