Back to the Future

Corrected entry: In the beginning of the film Doc's address is 1646. When Marty is at Doc's house in 1955 his address is 1640. (00:05:35 - 00:47:25)

Correction: In the present Doc is living in his garage not his house. The garage is further down the street from where his house was, so the number is higher. Why? His house burned down. You can read about it during the opening scene, when we pan through Doc's garage.

Corrected entry: There is simply no way a VW bus (driven by the terrorists) would be able to keep up in a race with a DeLorean (driven by Marty).

Correction: Marty has to keep going around the tight corners in the parking lot, therefore slowing his speed considerably. It's only when he has a straight stretch in front of him that he has enough room to really get up to speed, and get away.


Corrected entry: When George walks in to Lou's, he orders a chocolate milk. How could Lou have made a chocolate milk in less than three seconds?

Correction: George is a regular, so it's possible Lou knew what he wanted. I've walked into bars and before I can sit down, my beer of choice is sitting in front of me.

Correction: Some soda shops have milk machines (I had one at the cafeteria in the dorms at college), one side is regular milk, the other is chocolate. Lou probably made the batch of chocolate milk that morning, and all he had to do was push a lever and fill the glass.


Corrected entry: In the scene where Marty is playing "Johnny B. Good" there is an overhead view of the dance in the gymnasium. If you look quickly, you can spot the 3 point line on the gym court. The three point line did not come into existence until the late 1970s. (01:24:15)

Correction: Having just watched the scene in the gym three times, there is definitely NOT a three point line on the floor in any shot. In fact, it was intentionally supposed to be a VERY short basketball court. The top of the keys almost touched. There wasn't even room for a full center jump circle. (I have seen gyms like this even in the 80s.) Several shots show the floor and none of them shows a line that could be considered a three point line. It simply is not there and wouldn't be there since they didn't shooot the scene on an NBA gym which would be the only gym that would have one in 1984-1985 during the filming of this movie.

Corrected entry: When they're refilling the car with plutonium, after putting it in, Doc removes his helmet, and says "it's safe now, everything's lead lined". Fair enough, except he then takes the container the plutonium was in back to the box (which contains a lot more plutonium), flips the lid, and shoves it back in. If that process was safe, which bit of the reloading process was dangerous? (00:26:15)

Jon Sandys

Correction: The safety gear was in case anything went wrong when the plutonium was being sucked into the car, not for handling the plutonium.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Marty & Doc are watching the videotaped experiment, Doc picks up the camcorder to admire it. As he does, a wire that was connected to it falls off, yet the playback is unaffected. (00:52:45)

Correction: If the wire was the AC adapter, and the battery had charge left, playback wouldn't have been affected. Doc would have likely had the AC adapter and all the patch cables in his suitcase stored in the DeLorean's hood-trunk. Perfectly reasonable assumption, since hosehold-standard voltage hasn't changed for many decades, and it isn't likely to be changed in 2010 (Doc's original idea for his destination year).

Corrected entry: When Marty encounters Doc Brown for the first time in '55, Brown asks him who is now the president (in the future) and Marty responds "Ronald Reagan" (pronounced Raygen); then Brown says "Ronald Reagan the movie actor?" When Ronald Reagan was a movie actor, he pronounced his last name "Reegan" (he changed the pronunciation later when he got into politics), so Brown shouldn't have been able to make the association.

Correction: Doc may have easily made the association, even if he had thought Marty pronouncing it incorrectly. Many times, people hear what they think they hear, and if you say the name quickly either way, it could be taken as either pronounciation.

Corrected entry: When Marty first arrives in '55, he has to walk 2 miles into Hill Valley from where he leaves the car. But back in '85 he can get from downtown (crash near the movie theater) to the Mall in less than 10 minutes. Why need a skateboard when you can run that fast?


Correction: In 1955 Marty drives for a while from the future 'Twin pines/Lone Pine' mall spot to where he parked the car (the future Lyon Estates). It was dark when he started driving and daylight when the car gave out on him. Not knowing that he was in the past he probably tried to drive from downtown Hill Valley to his home. The mall is a lot closer to downtown Hill Valley. Maybe even in Hill Valley.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Doc is demonstrating the time machine for the first time, he enters several dates he could conceivably go to, one of which is the birth of Christ, which he enters as Dec. 25, 0000, but there is no year 0. It goes from 1 B.C. to 1 A.D. (00:25:01)

Correction: Yeah, it's something Doc should have known, but he was simply demonstrating the circuits to Marty, so I dunno if this could be counted as a filming mistake. If Doc was that concerned with inputting the actual date, it would have been (according to historians) sometime in March or April of 4BC.

Corrected entry: Do you honestly think that Marty's parents wouldn't think it was the slightest bit odd that their son happens to look and talk and dress EXACTLY like the boy that hooked them up in high school?

Correction: Ever realized all of a sudden that someone you know bears a resemblance to someone you knew a long time ago? Sure - it happens... (either Marty's parents haven't reached that point yet, or they simply never noticed - it's been 18 years, remember...)

It's been 30 years and Marty was only around for a few days. Can you remember everyone you only saw for a few days 30 years ago? I've got a great memory and I have a hard time remembering someone I met even a few years ago.

True, I went to school for 7 years with one guy who was in all my classes but didn't recognise him when my mother pointed him out 5 years after we went to different secondary schools.

Corrected entry: The speedometer of a Delorean doesn't go past 85 mph. There is a Delorean shop in the town I live in with about twenty Deloreans behind a fence. I checked it out and none of them had a speedometer that goes past 85. Makes you wonder how it was any different in the car they used for the movie.

Correction: DeLoreans came with an option for a 165MPH speedometer.

Corrected entry: Doc uses plutonium in the DeLorean's flux capacitor via a container of liquid. Plutonium is typically formed in rods of packed pellets, not in a liquid form. (00:27:03)

Correction: The liquid just surrounds the little rod of plutonium in it. Watch when Doc refils the Delorean, he turns the cylinder and the little rod gets sucked down. That is one of the rods you are talking about.

Corrected entry: In the scene where Marty is trying to call Doc from the coffee shop, his digital watch beeps. He is never shown removing it and it's the last we see of the watch. Wouldn't Marty have used the digital watch as proof to Doc he was from 1985? Would it not have been more accurate for timing in the scene when Marty drives towards the clock tower (to go back to '85) than of the analog alarm clock?

Correction: We do see the watch two more times in the movie. When Marty and Doc are uncovering the car to get ready to send him back to 1985, Marty has the watch on, but when he drives the car down the street it is back off. Then we see it again when Marty gets back to 1985 and is at the mall watching himself getting chased by the Libyans.

Corrected entry: When the time machine comes back from its first ride with Einstein, the car spins and isn't icy. However, when a different angle is shown, the car has ice on it.

Correction: The shot of Marty and Doc is long enough for ice to form, given how cold it is.

Corrected entry: When Marty finally goes back to 1985 they pan up to a shot of the clock tower, then at the bottom of the screen it suddenly says 1985. The shot is still on the clock tower but if you look at the trees and branches in the shot they have not changed for 30 years?

Correction: It doesn't pan up to it, it's a cut. There's nothing to suggest that the shot of the clock tower is meant to be in 1955.

Corrected entry: When Marty is hit by Lorraine's dad, it is right in front of the Baines house. If he was right in front of his house, then why was he driving so fast? He should have been slowing down to pull into the driveway or park, but he appears to still be going at a pretty good speed.


Correction: There's any number of reasons. Maybe he's just a reckless driver, maybe he was headed to the store after work to pick something up and his house happened to be between the store and his job. Just because you don't know why something happened does not make it a mistake.


Corrected entry: The DeLorean is an actual registered vehicle in California, with license plate 3CZV657.

Correction: Which one? There were 7 DeLoreans used in "Back to the Future."


Corrected entry: Plutonium is not a red liquid, it is a white-silver coloured metal. Even oxidised in solution it would be paler than shown.

Correction: It wouldn't be safe to use plutonium metal. Even with the suits on, both Marty and Doc would be subject to lethally high amounts of beta and gamma radiation. Chances are they used a dilute solution (possibly plutonium (IV) chloride as that is red in colour) and it is possible to deeper red is down to dye or impurities in the solution - the latter is possible as Doc acquired it from terrorists.

Andy Benham 6979

Corrected entry: Einstein, Dr. Emmett's dog is the first to travel in the time machine. He travels one minute into the future during which he ceased to exist in the current time only to reappear one minute later. According to this it hence would be impossible for the Doc, Marty and his girlfriend, Jennifer, to travel into the future and see their futures as they would have ceased to exist as of when they left the current time until they reappear in the time they set hence impossible to have continued their normal course of life and exist in the future.

Correction: The series makes it clear that the timeline is highly resistant to changes, and that when you make a change to the timeline, there's a delay before those changes impact the timeline. This is why Marty saw the photo of him and his siblings slowly fading rather than instantly disappearing as soon as he interrupted his parents' getting together. In the second movie, Jennifer and Marty weren't in the future for long enough to start impacting the timeline.

Corrected entry: Between scenes Marty's shoes change, e.g. in the skateboard chase scene he is wearing black converse shoes, but when he is in the time machine travelling back to 1985 he is wearing white Nike trainers.

Correction: Not a mistake. After Marty says "Yeah, I can spend a week in 1955." Doc says "first, we have to get you out of those clothes" - this is so Marty blended in with current fashions of the 50's. When Marty is going back to 1985, he claims that he isn't going back in his 50's clothes - "you think I'm going back in those clothes?.", or something to that effect. It was all done to make Marty less suspicious to the people around him.

Correction: The skateboard chase scene is at least a day before Marty goes back to 1985, maybe even a few days before. He has definitely changed shoes a few times between the 2 scenes mentioned here.


Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marty chases after Biff on the borrowed 'skateboard', Marty is wearing a dark grey belt and a red/blue print shirt under his red/beige jacket. However, when Marty is hanging on to the front of Biff's car as they turn a corner (and in another shot), Marty (stunt double) is wearing a light brown belt and solid tan shirt. (01:07:00)

Super Grover

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Trivia: In the battle of the bands scene, when Marty introduces The Pinheads, Huey Lewis, who provided "The Power of Love" for the film's soundtrack, plays the second judge from the left, and is the one who eventually says, "You're just too darn loud." (00:07:40)

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Question: How is Marty able to play a 1980s videotape on a 1950s television set? Is this just another example of Doc's ahead-of-his-time inventiveness?

Answer: The video camera was in the DeLorean. With the right kind of adapter, which was common enough in the 80s that Doc might've had it on the camera or been able to jury-rig something in the 50s, it would have been possible to connect it into the antenna screws in the back of the TV like an old Atari and play it directly from the camera.

Captain Defenestrator

TVs in the 50s had a two prong antennae connection (two screws in the back that you put a prong antennae into) TVs in the mid 80s also had this. The coax connection (the one wire that screws in) was starting to become common, but, the two prong connection would have been more likely on any given TV at the time, so, whatever wire they used to preview recordings probably had that. very convenient that Marty brought those cords with him.

An old Atari 2600 RF Adapter would be how one would link a video camera to an old-fashioned television. A simple-enough part that Doc could probably make one with 1950s technology.

Captain Defenestrator

Answer: Video tape system back then could output an NTSC video signal, just like broadcast at the time, and up to HD in the 2000s. Usually there was a switch on the video device to change the output frequency between channels 3 or 4. Depending on what was an open channel in your area.

Answer: Doc is smart and eccentric enough to probably have such a thing randomly rattling around in the Delorian as old burger wrappers would rattle around inside a normal car. And Marty could also conceivably have such a thing at his or Doc's domicile for his own video gaming convenience.


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