Back to School

Continuity mistake: The college, Great Lakes University, is presumably pretty far north and the movie takes place in January. All of the characters are dressed appropriately in winter coats, except for in the diving scenes, where it's warm, sunny, and perfect for getting a tan.

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Thornton Melon: Listen, Sherlock. While you were tucked away up here working on your ethics, I was out there busting my hump in the real world. And the reason guys like you got a place to teach is 'cause guys like me donate buildings.

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Trivia: When Mellon does the "Triple Lindy", you again can see the thinner body double's hairpiece flop in the wind to reveal a bald spot.

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Question: What poem is Diane reading to her class that makes Thornton say, "Yes, yes!"?

Answer: She was reading, "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night," by Dylan Thomas.

raywest Premium member

Answer: She was reading from the novel Ulysses by James Joyce.

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