Back to School

Back to School (1986)

2 corrected entries

(5 votes)

Corrected entry: When Rodney unknowingly enters the sorority house, he stumbles in on and interrupts a coed (played by Leslie Huntly) taking a shower. When she is first seen and is startled whilst showering, her washcloth is being clutched in her left hand. In the following shot, Rodney walks over and pulls aside the shower curtain, surprising Leslie, revealing her boobs, and also the fact that her washcloth has suddenly changed hands over to her right one. (00:15:00)

Correction: There is more than enough time for her to switch hands while the shot is on Rodney.

Corrected entry: When Jason and Derek come back to find Rodney Dangerfield and the chauffeur in their room, Jason introduces Derek as his roommate. However, when they come back to find their rooms transformed into a huge luxurious suite, Jason and Derek go through different doors, as if going into different rooms.

Correction: Rodney obviously used more than one dorm room to create Derek and Jason's 'suite,' and left the original entryways intact - thus, two doors.


Continuity mistake: At the least swim meet, Chaz is shown diving before Jason Melon. Howver, after Jason dives, it then shows Chaz "up next" - and his hair is completely dry.

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Thornton Melon: Please, try to understand. I don't have the background for this. I mean, the high school I went to, they asked a kid to prove the law of gravity, he threw the teacher out the window.

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Trivia: In the opening montage of shots, showing Thornton Mellon's progressive rise to the top, one of the final shots is actually that of Al Czervik, the role Rodney Dangerfield played in Caddyshack.

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Question: I have always been curious about one thing in this movie - when Thornton was taking the oral examination, if he answered all of Dr. Barbay's questions right, why did he only get a D? How did Dean Martin not question that?

Answer: We don't know that he answered all the questions right, just that he answered the last one right. Based on Barbay's upset response to that correct answer, it is likely Thornton was at the edge between a wrong answer giving him an F and a correct answer giving him the D he got.


Answer: It should also be noted he got all D's and just 1 A. So it wasn't just Barbay that gave him a D.


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