Back to School

Other mistake: After his wife has a party at their house, Thorton Melon (Dangerfield) decides to have a swim in his pool. The camera shows Melon as he is about to dive into the pool from the edge. The camera cuts away and a much "thinner" Melon is seen doing a flip into the water. Watch carefully as the "thinner" man makes his dive. You can clearly see his hairpiece fly off the top of his head.

Continuity mistake: At the least swim meet, Chaz is shown diving before Jason Melon. Howver, after Jason dives, it then shows Chaz "up next" - and his hair is completely dry.

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Thornton Melon: Please, try to understand. I don't have the background for this. I mean, the high school I went to, they asked a kid to prove the law of gravity, he threw the teacher out the window.

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Trivia: The swimming pool scenes were filmed at an aquatic club at the bottom of a hillside hotel property in Industry, California. The entire pool area was torn down in 2005 and the ground levelled with dirt everywhere so now if you drove by there, you would never know it ever existed.

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Question: What poem is Diane reading to her class that makes Thornton say, "Yes, yes!"?

Answer: She was reading, "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night," by Dylan Thomas.

raywest Premium member

Answer: She was reading from the novel Ulysses by James Joyce.

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