
Farmer Hoggett wins a runt piglet at a local fair and young Babe, as the piglet decides to call himself, befriends and learns about all the other creatures on the farm. He becomes special friends with one of the sheepdogs, Fly. With Fly's help, and Farmer Hoggett's intuition, Babe embarks on a career in sheepherding with some surprising and spectacular results.

Continuity mistake: There is one section where the camera shows the animals looking into the house through a window, but when it shows it from the outside they are looking in through a door. It's around the part where Babe is in the competition.

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Arthur Hoggett: That'll do pig, that'll do.

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Trivia: When Babe is trying to talk to the sheep who won't listen to him at the contest, there is a shot of three sheep; two facing away and one facing toward him. Both times when he talks to them, the sheep on the right baaaa's at him, while the one on the left, to put it gently, relieves himself.

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Question: Why is The Hoggett's granddaughter a spoiled brat and grandson very quiet?

Answer: Personality traits of brothers and sisters are not necessarily the same, even if the parents provide a stable environment for their children to grow up. The grandson could just easily been the spoiled brat of the family. In the context of the movie, one of the grandkids had to be the spoiled brat to carry the story along and show the love of the grand parents for them, even if one of them did not appreciate the hand made doll house he built for her.


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