
Continuity mistake: There is one section where the camera shows the animals looking into the house through a window, but when it shows it from the outside they are looking in through a door. It's around the part where Babe is in the competition.

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Trivia: When Babe is trying to talk to the sheep who won't listen to him at the contest, there is a shot of three sheep; two facing away and one facing toward him. Both times when he talks to them, the sheep on the right baaaa's at him, while the one on the left, to put it gently, relieves himself.

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Question: After Babe first tries to herd sheep on the farm, Rex talks to Fly and mentions that the two of them are ancestors of someone. Could this mean that he and Fly are related and have been inbred? When the puppies are for sale earlier in the movie, the sign for them says that Rex is a champion; it seems like a farmer would be careful not to inbreed a champion dog.

Answer: Rex means that they are both part of the sheepdog family, not that they are closely related. He thinks that when Fly told Babe about sheep-herding, she disgraced her whole species.

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