Today is the 50th anniversary of Bond's first appearance on the big screen! With that, and Skyfall on the horizon, it seemed a suitable time to highlight the biggest Bond bloopers from all 22 Bond movies (there are over 1,000 mistakes across the entire series!). Check out the pictures below.
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Dr. No (1962)
Bond sits down by a table, puts some cards down and pulls his gun out. He's wearing a tie, but when we see a close-up of him screwing on the silencer, his tie disappears.

From Russia With Love (1963)
When JB is driving the truck and is being bombed with grenades from the helicopter, the truck gets smoke blackened. But when he arrives at the speedboat, all the smoke marks have gone.

Goldfinger (1964)
When Oddjob drives away from the golf course, Goldfinger is not in the back of the car for some reason, even though they show him in the car earlier.

Thunderball (1965)
When James Bond is fighting underwater with an opponent, the opponent rips off James' diving mask (which is blue). Then, James rips another mask off another opponent who is lying dead on the ocean floor. This dead opponent's mask is black. James puts on the black mask, and then he turns around, and the mask is blue again.

You Only Live Twice (1967)
When Aki drives James to see Tiger and when she collects him from Osato Chemicals, her car changes from left hand to right hand drive as the camera follows them along.

On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)
After Bond saved Tracy from drowning (at the start of the movie), he is fighting with the two men of Blofeld. In the first shot they're standing about 5 feet from the waterline (on the beach), in the next shot they're waist deep in the ocean.

Diamonds Are Forever (1971)
The famous car chase ends with Bond's car tipping up on its right wheels to fit through a pedestrian path. However, when it emerges the other side, it's tipped on its left wheels. When the car enters the alley, this was filmed in a studio. When the car exits the alley, this was filmed in Vegas. The first few times the exit was filmed, the car emerged on the correct wheels, but the shots were unusable because of the crowds in the background watching the filming. This shot was temporarily abandoned and eventually re-filmed with a different stunt driver who famously performed the stunt on the wrong wheels. Realising this, the producers filmed a somewhat clunky insert shot featuring a close-up of Sean Connery and Jill St John, which shows the car tip back onto four wheels and then up onto the opposite two wheels, even though the alleyway would be too narrow to manage this.

Live and Let Die (1973)
Watch the way the bloke at the beginning is holding the snake. Every time the camera shows him from behind, he has one hand by its head, yet each time the angle changes to the front, his hand is halfway down the snake's body.

The Man with the Golden Gun (1974)
When Bond tries to get the golden bullet from the belly dancer named Saheeda, some angry gangsters enter her dressing room. As they start destroying the place, you can see the crew in the mirror on the dressing table very clearly after one of the bad guys is knocked into it, nudging it out of position.

The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)
In the scene where Stromberg is thanking Dr. Bechman and Professor Marcovitz, he has a towel in his hand. When the camera changes to another angle that shows the back of his chair, his hands are totally empty and resting on an arm of the chair. Then it changes back to the original camera angle, and he now has a towel in his hands again.

Moonraker (1979)
In the scene where Drax's assistant, Corine Dufor, is being pursued to her death by his doberman dogs, she starts off with bare legs and high heels, but a couple of seconds later she's now wearing trainers and blue socks.

For Your Eyes Only (1981)
When Melina's car is hit by the machine gun, we see a close-up of the back end of the car, including the 2CV6 sign. Later in the car chase there suddenly is a Spanish national sticker (E) to the left of the 2CV6 sign. The bullet holes are different as well.

Octopussy (1983)
When Bond takes off in the plane, we see - in one shot from Bond's view - the Cubans approaching. The background is a flat (English) countryside. In the next clip, we see a close-up of one of the Cubans. behind him are quite large hills/mountains.

A View to a Kill (1985)
After Bond gets down from the Eiffel Tower to chase May Day, he steals a car. While Bond is driving down the stairs, you can clearly see a red sticker or decal on the right side of the car. After the car is cut in half, it is not there.

The Living Daylights (1987)
The wheel that is shot off of Bonds car during the frozen lake chase scene is back on the car seconds later as Bond is jumping over the Russian/Czech soldiers.

Licence to Kill (1989)
After Bond received a lighter from Felix and Della, he uses it, and the flame is big. In the beginning and the end, you can see a tube is connected to the lighter, and the tube goes into his suit.

Goldeneye (1995)
This flub needs slow-mo to catch, but is worth listing as trivia. When Bond jumps off the dam, they do a shot following him along his descent down the ledge of the wall. In a shot only visible during three or four frames, but they catch a shot of the ledge before panning down in which you can see the film crew watching on top together with a van or two.

Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
When James has just jumped out of the plane, he has a diving rig that is somewhat different to the one he has when diving on the wreck of the Devonshire. In the water, he wears a twinset manifold air-bottle rig. While skydiving, the rig was not manifolded, and the bottles were in a different position on his back. To change between the two requires some work with a toolkit, preferably on dry land.

The World is Not Enough (1999)
When James is chasing the other boat in the beginning, he fires the top torpedo first. Then, when they show him fire the second torpedo, the bottom hole is empty, and he fires the same torpedo (the one on top) again...

Die Another Day (2002)
When Jinx and Bond sneak onto Graves' plane, Jinx can be seen with a nickel-plated pistol (this is also evident throughout the entire film). Yet, when Jinx is in the cockpit and Frost tells her to hand over the gun, it's now no longer nickel-plated but standard gunmetal black.

Casino Royale (2006)
Bond follows the girl through the streets of Venice. The camera follows him with a track shot. Bond turns left, going into some kind of alley, and the dolly keeps going. The dolly, camera, and crew are reflected in a window for a second.

Quantum of Solace (2008)
When Bond is talking to Mathis at a table at the cottage in Italy, pay attention to the watch on Mathis' wrist. First, it faces the side of his wrist because that way it is best shown on screen, but in the next shot, still at the table, it suddenly faces the outside of his wrist, like watches are usually worn.

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