Best horror movie mistakes of 2019

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It Chapter Two picture

Continuity mistake: When they finally arrive at the bottom of the sewer, Eddie's bandage is on a different cheek. (01:59:00)

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The Dead Don't Die picture

Character mistake: Selena Gomez drives into town in a fully restored 1967 Pontiac Le Mans, which is a long box shaped car. However, when confronted with Bill Murray and Adam Driver, Adam Driver complements her on her 1968 Pontiac Le Mans, which is a completely redesigned shorter curved body style. The two look nothing alike.

More The Dead Don't Die mistakes
More 3 from Hell mistakes
Midsommar picture

Revealing mistake: When the Hårgas begin eating their meal after Dani is crowned May Queen, there is a shot of Dani just after the Hårgas pick up their knives and forks where she is looking over at Christian. Sitting next to her is a woman who cuts her food with a knife and fork, raises the fork to her mouth and takes a bite, but there is no food on the fork. She is just miming the actions. (02:13:15)

Casual Person

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Doctor Sleep picture

Other mistake: The type of gas pump Danny used when gassing up the car requires the lever be moved from the on to off position before the hose can be placed back into the pump. It is already in the off position before he finishes.

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Child's Play picture

Other mistake: Andy and his friends are watching "Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2" in one scene. However, the scenes they watch are completely out of order compared to the actual film.


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Suggested correction: Actually this is simply a movie convention. When kids watch films onscreen, they deliberately only show the best bits of the film as oppose to just playing the film normally. Otherwise it would look dull and pointless.

Gavin Jackson

Explaining why a mistake exists doesn't invalidate them. Skipping time or jump cuts is one thing, showing scenes from a movie kids are watching out of order, without a valid in-film reason, is still a mistake.


Technically no.

Gavin Jackson

The issue isn't that they aren't showing the whole movie. They did the right thing by just showing clips, since it illustrates a passage of time. The issue is that the clips they show are all out of order. (You'll see one from the ending of the movie, then one from the beginning, then another from the ending, then one from the middle, etc.) They could have just as easily shown a couple clips in order from throughout the film, and it would have worked, but they chose not to for some bizarre reason.


More Child's Play mistakes
47 Meters Down: Uncaged picture

Continuity mistake: When the main characters first decide to go diving, they are all wearing ordinary bikinis. By the end of the film, the surviving characters are wearing diving suits.


More 47 Meters Down: Uncaged mistakes
Countdown picture

Continuity mistake: According to the countdown, Jordan has less time to live (about 3 minutes) than Quinn, which makes the whole end with the morphine pointless. (01:09:00)

More Countdown mistakes

Ma (2019)

Ma picture

Continuity mistake: The IV bag has the name of Louie at first but then changes into something unidentifiable and then back to Louie again.

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Us (2019)

Us picture Video

Continuity mistake: Red is barefoot for a long period in the movie, but when they run to the boat she's wearing barely-visible slippers, presumably to protect her feet while running outside.

Jon Sandys

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The Silence picture

Factual error: When they first get attacked in the mini van, the side windows crack and get scratches. (You can see the "spider webbing"). A side window shatters in small pieces when they crack slightly.

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The Addams Family picture

Plot hole: Throughout the movie, the behaviour of the gate does not seem quite consistent; Gomez has to feed meat to it to distract it to let the camera crew out...but they came in just fine and on their own. Same for the angry mob at the end.


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Escape Room picture

Other mistake: While in the pool room, Zoey falls off the wall onto a portion of floor that hasn't collapsed yet and loses consciousness. This area is next to the section of floor that collapsed first. Jason jumps down to help Zoey. As he is helping her up, and onto the wall, that section of floor collapses, forcing him to grab the wall to avoid falling 20-ish stories with the floor. As he looks down drop, the section of floor that fell first is amazingly back intact. (00:59:20)


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Brightburn picture

Continuity mistake: After Brandon finds out he arrived in the alien craft, he walks outside in the rain where he finally translates "Take The World" as his purpose. He continues on to Caitlyn's house to tell her what he has discovered and to give her a flower. When he arrives in her room, he is completely dry.

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Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark picture Video

Continuity mistake: After the kids are told Sara hung herself at the hospital, Chuck asks "what are they waiting for, let's go". Stella is bending down to pick up the book in one shot, but the angle cuts while Chuck is still saying the word "go" and suddenly he has vanished from the room as the other two start to leave.

Quantom X

More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark mistakes
The Wretched picture

Continuity mistake: Ben caught his T-shirt in his right hand when the girl threw it to him in the swimming pool, but Ben is with his empty right hand in the pool. When Ben got out of the pool, he picked up his T-shirt. (00:32:18)


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Annabelle Comes Home picture

Other mistake: The movie is said to be set one year after receiving Annabelle, but the music box from The Conjuring is on the shelf. Judy in The Conjuring is an 8, possibly 9 year old whereas in this film she celebrates her 10th birthday. If Annabelle Comes Home" is only 1 year after obtaining the doll (2 years prior to The Conjuring timeline) then Judy would not be turning 10 years old; she essentially lost a few years of life rather than vice versa.

More Annabelle Comes Home mistakes
Doom: Annihilation picture

Continuity mistake: Dr. Stone mentions there is an emergency exit below the landing pad. He then asks the pilot if there is a camera underneath. In this shot, the pilot has his eyes partly closed and his lips pursed together. It cuts to a close up of him and suddenly his expression is different, with his eyes wider open and his mouth open. (00:19:50)

Quantom X

More Doom: Annihilation mistakes
Zombieland: Double Tap picture

Revealing mistake: At the start when they're clearing the White House field Little Rock shoots her gun without her finger on the trigger. (00:04:20)

More Zombieland: Double Tap mistakes
I See You picture

Character mistake: Detective Spitzer went into Harper's dark/unlit house, saw his partner Greg on the floor, and then saw Alec standing in the kitchen. Without identifying himself, telling Alec to drop his weapon (pistol pointed toward the floor), or bothering to determine what happened, Detective Spitzky shoots Alec. (01:27:08)


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