It Chapter Two

It Chapter Two (2019)

7 mistakes

(8 votes)

Continuity mistake: When they finally arrive at the bottom of the sewer, Eddie's bandage is on a different cheek. (01:59:00)

Factual error: There's a flashback to 1989 in an arcade and we see Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat II there. The original wasn't released until 1992, and the sequel in 1993.

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Suggested correction: Subtract 27 from 2019 and you get 1992. They were 12-13 in 92 so it is plausible that those games could have been in the arcade while they were still kids.

It's set in 1989, not 1992.

The "present day" scenes in this film actually take place in 2016, 27 years after the first film is set which would be 1989. The mistake is valid.


Some of the flashbacks seem to be set after the first movie.

That flashback definitely was not supposed to be after the first movie, it featured Henry Bowers.


And Pennywise would have been asleep in 1992~1993 so that whole scene after the arcade makes no sense.

Continuity mistake: When the Losers Club is in the sewers, the bandage on Eddie's face is on the wrong side in one shot.

Continuity mistake: After they find the club house Beverly tells Ben how handy he is. A bang of her hair is falling on her forehead. In the immediate next wide angle the forehead is clean.


Continuity mistake: Mike's bandage is on the right arm instead of the left (and as previously mentioned, in the same scene, Eddie's bandage is on the right cheek instead of the left). (01:59:59)


Continuity mistake: When the Losers are in the Library, after killing Bowers. They call Bill who is at the funfair. It is night and dark at the funfair, but at the library, daylight can be seen through the window.


Mrs. Kersch: I was always daddy's little girl. What about you? Are you still his little girl Beverly? ARE you?

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It Chapter Two trivia picture

Trivia: The shop-owner who sells Bill back his old bike "Silver" is played by Stephen King, author of the original "It" novel and numerous other famous books.


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Question: Why does Pennywise feed on the adult at the start? I thought he only fed on children as seen in the previous movie and this movie. Or is it fear that he feeds on? I haven't read the book so maybe it's better explained in there.

Answer: Pennywise eats Adrian Mellon because he has just awoken from his sleep and is hungry. Pennywise will feed on anyone but prefers his victims to be afraid because the meal is more satisfying. It is described in the book as like "salting the meat." Likewise, Pennywise prefers children because their fear is more intense.


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