Mortal Kombat

Continuity mistake: When Johnny Cage is fighting Scorpion, and he does his human spear, Johnny runs until he stops at the tree. The spear then catches up, and becomes wrapped around the tree in front of Johnny. When the camera changes view, the spear is just leaning on the tree. The camera changes view again and the spear is wrapped around the tree again. When Scorpion pulls the spear back, it goes straight back, and doesn't unwind around the tree.

Revealing mistake: When Scorpion and Johnny Cage are in the forest, you can see a car drive by in the far left corner. You have to look really close though.

Audio problem: In the final fight scene between Liu and Shang Tsung, Liu hits Shang in the face repeatedly, but there is one extra hit sound for which there is no motion.

Visible crew/equipment: When Kitana, Lui, and Johnny are heading towards the Black tower in Outworld, or when Kitana is explaining that Outworld used to be a beautiful place (same time) there is an overhead shot and you can see the shadow of a man on a wall holding a boom microphone.

Revealing mistake: When Sonya grabs Kano with her legs, the tape is obviously sped up.

Other mistake: When Johnny Cage is fighting Scorpion in the forest, after Scorpion unleashes his snake-like spear from his hand but before the camera switches to Johnny, you can see the spear move down and it appears to be coming out of his forearm. Also the hole in Scorpion's hand from the spear is now gone.

Continuity mistake: In the final fight (Liu Kang vs Shang Tsung), after Liu Kang has defeated the five people Shang Tsung made appear, Liu goes to the middle of the floor (and MK logo) and says "Is that all you've got, sorcerer?" Immediately after this line, the camera angle (and shot) changes, and if you pay attention to the MK logo on the floor, notice that Liu Kang turns 90 degrees between the shots without taking a single step. (01:20:35)

Visible crew/equipment: Where Shang Tsung kidnaps Sonya and takes her to outworld, you can see the green markers used for camera positions, lighting plans, or actors' marks on the floor.

Continuity mistake: When Liu Kang fights Sub-zero, Liu Kang stands in a fighting position with his left hand in front of him while Sub-zero generates a lot of ice. Just before the ice hits Liu Kang, the shot changes and Liu Kang stands opposite with his right hand in front of him. (00:53:05)

Niki Topgaard

Revealing mistake: When the three heroes are confronted by Subzero and Scorpion on the junk, Scorpion extends his living grappler hook from his hand. As he does so, the hook does not quite move in synch with the hand, indicating its origin as inserted computer image.

Continuity mistake: When Johnny Cage goes to kick Scorpion in the forest, he leads with his left foot but after they teleport he falls with his right leg extended.

Continuity mistake: When Shang Tsung has finished summoning his warriors, before the last fight with Liu, the camera zooms out showing all five warriors, you can see Shang lowering his arms to his sides. Then it shows a close-up of Shang Tsung and he has his arms in the air and lowers them again.

Continuity mistake: When Kano is talking to Goro, he is drinking from a large goblet, and it is the only one on the table. Goro knocks the drink onto Kano's lap, and the camera cuts to Goro saying, "How lucky for them, back home." The camera cuts back to Kano and the goblet is sitting back on the table. The camera cuts to Shang Tsung entering the room and back to Kano with the goblet correctly missing.

Revealing mistake: When Scorpion explodes, if you pay attention, the explosion doesn't really make "sense." The first "burst" looks fine, but then, midway through the shot, some of the debris in the air suddenly vanishes or fades out a few frames before the second "burst" occurs. Additionally, the way the second "burst" happens gives it away as an added effect, as it doesn't really overlap the background properly. (It looks like an explosion that was filmed on a blue-screen and then just added over top of the footage, as it doesn't interact with the environment properly).


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Suggested correction: Scorpion is an undead being fighting in another realm of existence. He doesn't necessarily have to explode in a way that "makes sense."


The mistake is about continuities that happen during the explosion. Not how Scorpion actually explodes.


The mistake pertains to issues with the somewhat shoddy execution of the effects, which are a result of the film's production. I don't think him being an undead fighter from another realm of existence is really a valid way to explain this away.



Continuity mistake: In the fight with the ninjas where Lu and Cage are fighting 3 guys each while Sonya only fights one, there's a shot where Cage grabs a guy with a spear extended out by his right arm. In the next shot, it's on his left side instead.

Quantom X

Audio problem: Right before the film ends, the giant spectral Shao Khan says the line "You weak, pathetic fools! I've come for your souls!" His mouth more-or-less matches "You weak, pathetic fools!", but it doesn't match "I've come for your souls!" in the slightest. (It looks as if he's saying something else entirely, and they dubbed in a new line in ADR).


Continuity mistake: When Lui and the others are walking up to Raiden during the ending, we see a cute shot of Johnny putting his arm around Sonya. The movie then cuts to a wideshot, and he puts his arm around her a second time.


Continuity mistake: During the ending, watch Liu and Kitana closely as Raiden says the line "I've been looking for you! What took you so long?" Kitana has her arm around Liu's, but lets go and stands a few feet away from him. The camera then cuts to a medium-shot of Liu and Raiden talking. (Kitana is not visible in this shot, as she is standing several feet away.) Then, the camera cuts again to a wider shot, and suddenly Kitana is standing literally right next to Liu and has her arm around his once again.


Other mistake: As Reptile falls backwards over the table, you can see the brand name of the sneaker he is wearing on his right foot.

Shang Tsung: Johnny Cage, I challenge you.
Liu Kang: No! You'll fight me. I am Liu Kang, descendent of Kung Lao. I challenge you to Mortal Kombat.

More quotes from Mortal Kombat

Trivia: The autographed photo of Johnny Cage that lands among Scorpion's remains is a reference to Cage's 'Friendship' move from Mortal Kombat 2 (a comedy finisher where after beating your opponent to a bloody pulp you make peace with them by giving them a present or putting on a little show instead of killing them). Apparently many fans considered kicking the tar out of somebody and then giving them a signed photo of yourself to be incredibly egotistical, hence why it appears in the movie.

More trivia for Mortal Kombat

Question: Apparently the character Noob Saibot also appears in this film but I can't find him anywhere. Where does he feature?

Answer: Noob Saibot is not in this film. He makes an appearance in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation as the warrior who emerges from General Ermac, the red-clothed Lin Kuei warrior.

More questions & answers from Mortal Kombat

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