Best movie questions of 2015

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Krampus picture

Question: How does the movie really end? Are the family trapped in a snow globe for all eternity, or were they given a second chance and Krampus is just watching them?

Answer: The ending is that they are all alive and Krampus gave them a second chance. Evidence of this comes from the director's commentary and the comic book prequel "Krampus: Shadow of Saint Nicholas".

More Krampus questions
The Hateful Eight picture

Question: The road leading up to Minnie's has been freshly plowed when the stage arrives. It is obvious because there are sharp borders at the edge of the road and no tracks. Did the bushwhackers plow the road to eliminate evidence of their nefarious deeds?

Answer: Good catch! This should be a revealing mistake entry. The plowing was part of the set preparation. I saw several scenes in the film where the roads had obviously been plowed. It's not hard to see if you look for the small ridges left by the plow on either side of the road.

Answer: Yep, gotta be a mistake. If they even had snow plows back then, the plow would have had to been between the bad guys and the stage and would have arrived, or passed by, at a very inopportune time. I think the director just missed this, or didn't think anyone would notice.

Answer: Think you mean the plow would have arrived before the stage. But yes, a mistake for sure.

More The Hateful Eight questions
The Boy Next Door picture

Question: The blonde girl Noah hooks up with - is that Ali, the girl Kevin likes?

Answer: Yes it is.


More The Boy Next Door questions
The Martian picture

Question: If the MAV could be blown over by a storm of sufficient force, wasn't it very risky dropping the Ares IV Mav five years in advance of the mission?

Answer: The crew (and mission control) are in constant contact with the previously dropped MAV and would have aborted the mission and continued back to Earth had the MAV become inoperable before their arrival. Weir states this explicitly early in the book.

Answer: Yes, it is very risky unless the new Ares MAV is in an area with much calmer weather patterns.

More The Martian questions
Home picture

Question: The Gorg almost got an invitation from Oh, but didn't get it. So, how did it know to come to Earth?

Answer: Gorg was tracking the "shusher"

Answer: It was tracking the "shusher" or his kids.

More Home questions

Chosen answer: He found the book in his house, saw the title, and just naturally assumed that they were there because the snowman needs to be in a place where it is cold.

The book was with the kids not in the house.

Well my guess is that he followed the destruction that the abominable snowman left behind. He also must have checked his books over as well and saw which one was missing because there were some books on the floor.

More Goosebumps questions
Star Wars: The Force Awakens picture

Question: When Kylo Ren tries to use the Force on Rey, he mentions that they need the last piece of the map, and that they have the rest. However, when R2-D2 wakes up, we find out that he had the map the entire time. Was Kylo bluffing or did he know where the rest of it was? Was there a copy or did I miss something?

Answer: The First Order already has the piece that R2-D2 was carrying as well. That is the first piece, the large piece of the map missing a small section. The second piece is carried by BB-8 and only by BB-8, the missing piece in the map. All the first order needs is that second piece, and so does the Resistance. However the Resistance needs R2-D2 to activate again so he can show them the first piece, so they can put the second piece in it.


Answer: The piece of the map that R2 had was also recovered from the archives of the Empire.

More Star Wars: The Force Awakens questions
Fifty Shades of Grey picture

Question: During dinner at Christian's parent's place, what was Mia saying in French? It can be kind of hard to hear but in grey it actually showed the conversation.

Answer: She says "ugh. Seattle baseball".

More Fifty Shades of Grey questions
Jurassic World picture

Question: If all of the base DNA for the dinosaurs in the park was obtained from dino-blood inside mosquitoes, where did they get the DNA for the Mosasaurus from? A flying blood-sucking insect would not come into contact with a sea dwelling dinosaur, and there are no amber-equivalents in the ocean to trap any sea based blood suckers.


Answer: And what about just digging for bones for the Mosasaurus? I think this was said somewhere-although I can't remember where so apologies if I'm wrong-but I think Dr. Wu mentioned something about it, so I'm sure they could've gotten DNA WITHOUT getting the blood from a mosquito. It sounds possible in my opinion.

Chosen answer: The scientific inaccuracy of the mosquitoes/DNA notwithstanding, at the end of the film the Mosasaurus surfaces at the edge of its pool in order to drag in the Indominus Rex. Assuming the Mosasaurus did the same thing to catch prey in its own time period, it's feasible a mosquito could have landed on its body and extracted some blood in that short amount of time, especially if the prey was putting up resistance.


And a mosquito would always be in that area and be keen on getting blood from that particular dinosaur? Plus, it didn't take much for the Indominus to be taken down since the Mosasaurus is kind of a big creature, so how hard would it be for other animals to be taken down as well? Added, the Mosasaurus was being fed a shark when we first meet it; it's not like it was hunting on its own in an enclosed area.

Mosquitoes are everywhere, so it's not a matter of convenience that one would be in the same area and being keen on going after that particular animal. Plus, I just pulled up the scene on YouTube and it takes close to 10 seconds for the Mosasaurus to drag the Indominous Rex to its doom, which is plenty of time for a mosquito to land on it and extract blood. And as I stated in the answer, the explanation of DNA being harvested from preserved mosquitoes is scientifically inaccurate anyway, so even a tenuous explanation of how a mosquito would get that animal's blood is no more tenuous than dinosaurs being brought back to life in the first place.


More Jurassic World questions
Fantastic Four picture

Question: Victor got his powers when his suit fused with him. Ben got his when he got pelted with rocks. Johnny was blasted with fire which explains his ability. But, how did Sue and Reed get their abilities?

Answer: It is believed that the heat from the radiation caused Reed to start "melting", which is how he got his rubber powers. It is unknown why Sue got invisibility.

More Fantastic Four questions
The Revenant picture

Question: At the end of the film the chief spares Glass in return for helping his daughter. How has the chief got to know that the unknown man in front of him is that very man who helped Powaqa?


Chosen answer: She had plenty of time to tell him whilst watching the fight.

More The Revenant questions
Tomorrowland picture

Question: David Nix is talking about how they saw the iceberg and warned the Titanic, but the monitor was built after the world fair in 1963, and the Titanic sank in 1912 - how is it possible for that to happen?

Answer: He was using it as a metaphor. The Titanic being mankind heading towards its own destruction. Man was warned of the dangers (wars, global warming, etc) and we didn't do anything to change our ways, "went full stem ahead".


More Tomorrowland questions
Inside Out picture

Question: How come Sadness was the only one who could change the emotion of the memory orb? Don't we sometimes look back at things we thought we were scared of or sad about, and laugh at them? How come the other emotions can't change them the way Sadness can?

Answer: Sadness can change the memories because of Riley's current situation: she has left the home she loved to move to a new city. This makes her happy memories more susceptible to being changed to sad memories. As she remembers things that used to make her happy they now make her sad because she hasn't accepted her new house as home yet. Presumably under the right circumstances the other emotions could do the same thing, just not all the time.

More Inside Out questions
Ex Machina picture

Question: SPOILER If, by the end of the movie, the facility was reprogrammed to have all doors unlocked on a power failure - and there was a sudden power failure when Domhnall inserted the card into the computer terminal... Why did he remain locked within? Shouldn't he be set free by the programming change he freed Ava with?


Chosen answer: He inserted his own card in Nathans computer. Also, there was no mention of a power failure, only a red glow. This would be a different event than he's programmed the system for.

Answer: The "Red glow" was the emergency lights that had come on every other time the power went out. And the final power outage was orchestrated by previous arrangement by the robot and Caleb.

More Ex Machina questions
Daddy's Home picture

Question: What does Will Ferrell say to Mark Wahlberg in the scene at the fertility clinic, when Wahlberg first takes his pants down? Farrell makes a few remarks about the size of his genitals.

Answer: He says, "James and the Giant Peach."

More Daddy's Home questions
Sicario picture

Question: Was the violence depicted in this film accurate to what happens in Juarez today?

Answer: The film was apparently offensive to at least the mayor of Juarez. According to him, the film is based somewhat on stereotypes of the region and the depiction of Juarez as a violent region controlled by drug cartels is outdated.


More Sicario questions
In the Heart of the Sea picture

Question: When young Nickerson has to crawl inside a dead whale's head to harvest the rest of its oil, Peterson gives him something to put between his teeth. What is it and for what?

Bunch Son

Answer: Nickerson is told "put that between your teeth" and is given a piece of whale bone for him to bite down hard, to help him deal with the foul stench, which can cause nausea, coughing, gagging, and vomiting.

Super Grover

More In the Heart of the Sea questions
Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials picture

Question: When Thomas and the others are trying to escape the station, they face a masked man as Thomas opens a door. Thomas shoots a stun gun at him. This masked man looks like he was going to save them. Who is this guy? (00:27:20 - 00:27:50)

Bunch Son

Answer: He is one of the guards that works in the facility.

More Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials questions
Avengers: Age of Ultron picture

Question: When Scarlet Witch attempts to mind control Hawkeye, he turns it back on her and says something like "Already done the mind control thing...didn't enjoy it the first time." Was this supposed to be an in-joke reference to the fact that Jeremy Renner was publicly bitter about having to spend most of the first film being mind controlled by Loki (which almost got him fired)?

Answer: It's not an in-joke about real life. It's just a direct reference to Loki mind controlling him.

Greg Dwyer

More Avengers: Age of Ultron questions
The Good Dinosaur picture

Question: When Arlo and Spot first see another human, Spot moves toward that human as if he was willing to join him to bond as a family. Arlo stops Spot from approaching the other human and places him on his back so to continue taking him home. Arlo decides he wants to share his family with Spot and keep him safe in his family house. By the end of the film, the same human Arlo and Spot saw in the distance earlier shows up along with his family. Spot joins the family. Why does Arlo decide to let Spot go this time?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: Because he's realized that Spot wants to go and should go with his people. Before he was afraid of losing him.

Greg Dwyer

More The Good Dinosaur questions

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