Best fantasy movie mistakes of all time

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Edward Scissorhands picture

Plot hole: At the end of the film, we see Edward carving ice sculptures in his mansion. How did he get the ice up there? First of all, it takes place in a warm climate and I didn't see a freezer up there in the castle. He couldn't have gotten ice from town because firstly he had scissors for hands and couldn't have gripped the ice. And, even if by some miracle he could, he wouldn't be able to buy any from town because everyone in town but Kim was convinced that Edward was dead, she told everyone that they killed each other. And Kim didn't bring it to him because she told her granddaughter in the end that she never saw him again after that night. So where did he get that ice?

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How the Grinch Stole Christmas picture

Continuity mistake: After the Grinch unscrews the light bulb in the town Christmas tree, all the lights in the town go dark and the Grinch starts to take off in his sled-thing. When they show a close up of him, the lights are on. Then a few seconds later, the lights are off again.

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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Mrs. MacReady meets the Pevensie children at the train station, the reflector screen is reflected in the lenses of her glasses, as she looks down when she speaks to them. It is also visible when the children first arrive at the house, when Mrs. MacReady says, "There shall be no disturbing of the professor." (00:07:30)

Super Grover

More The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe mistakes
Super Mario Bros. picture

Plot hole: After Mario and Luigi have defeated Bowser, Daisy's father and the man in New York re-evolve back to their human forms. This makes no sense as it is never explained, and none of the goombas or Koopa troopas ever revert.

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Field of Dreams picture

Factual error: Joe Jackson batted left-handed in real life, not right-handed as Ray Liotta portrayed. He also threw right-handed and not left-handed like it shows when Kevin Costner is hitting him fly balls to left field.

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The Hot Chick picture

Factual error: Near the end of the movie, Rob Schneider lets himself out of the police car. This would be impossible since the rear doors of police cars don't have handles on the inside.

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An American Werewolf in London picture

Other mistake: When the two Americans are walking on the moors, their shadows are always in front of them, despite them having changed direction numerous times. Additionally, with the moon always being behind them, how are their faces being lit?

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Pet Sematary picture

Revealing mistake: When Louis gives Gage the lethal injection, because the syringe is transparent you can actually see the prop needle retract in and out of the syringe as he supposedly injects Gage.


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Santa Claus Is Comin' to Town picture

Factual error: A toy modern four-door automobile and a clear plastic ball can be seen as the children play when the Burgermeister comes in on his wheelchair. Both unlikely for a story set (presumably) in the 1800's, at the latest.


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Logan's Run picture

Continuity mistake: In most of the scenes it is quite evident that Jessica has only a thin green dress on; when she meets Box she takes it off and she is nude. Later when she is outside of the dome and walking through the woods, she ducks to avoid some brush and she now has underwear on.


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The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian picture

Continuity mistake: During the duel between Miraz and Peter, when they call for a time out, Miraz is shown in the background walking back to his generals and stepping onto a raised area. A few seconds later, over Peter's shoulder, he again walks to the raised area and steps up (there's only one step). (01:44:55)

More The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian mistakes
Hellboy II: The Golden Army picture

Other mistake: When one of the agents is ambushed by the Tooth Fairies he is reduced to a skeleton, with his teeth still visible. However, it was earlier stated that Tooth Fairies start by eating the teeth, then finish off the rest of a body.


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Aliens in the Attic picture

Continuity mistake: When the law enforcement officer arrives, there is a tight close up on the handle of his .38 revolver. When one of the aliens scans his body, an image of a .45 1911 appears instead.


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More The Amazing Spider-Man 2 mistakes
Atonement picture

Factual error: Near the beginning of the film before James McAvoy heads up to the house for the evening meal, he is seen looking up through a skylight when a Lancaster bomber slowly flies overhead. At the time it was was supposed to be 1935. The Lancaster bomber did not fly until the beginning of 1941. Can't be an Avro Manchester either, they only had two engines and first flew in 1939.

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Shazam! picture

Continuity mistake: At the beginning after the car skids on the road and stops on the left side there are trees and snow but not the road, however the truck hits them on that side.


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Superman III picture

Other mistake: Towards the end of the movie, when Superman drops Gus off at the coal mine, Gus begins talking with the coal miners about him and Superman. He then rips open his shirt (as if he had a Superman costume on underneath). How did Gus know that Clark Kent tore his shirt like that in order to change into Superman, or keeps his suit under his clothes at all? The only people who know this fact are the ones who have seen the transformation from Clark to Superman, i.e. the audience.

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Fantasia picture

Other mistake: In the intro to the Pastoral Symphony, the narrator identifies the deity who cloaks the world with Night to be Morpheus, who is the Greek god of sleep and dreams. However, the character in the animation is fairly obviously female, with long hair, eye shadow, and lipstick. My theory is that the character was intended by the art team to be Nyx, the Greek goddess of Night. Night would be a more likely candidate to be making it nighttime across the world, while Morpheus would be more likely to put people to sleep or send them dreams.

Roger Cline

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Suggested correction: Without further evidence/proof, this theory remains just that. A theory.


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Monster House picture

Other mistake: When Nebbercracker is on the stretcher and is being wheeled away, the grass pulls off one of the last wheels. When the stretcher is loaded into the ambulance both of the back wheels are intact.

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Stargate picture Stargate mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Throughout the movie, in the shots of the guys on the alien planet, the white reflector screens and film crew's reflections are visible in their sunglasses. (00:40:20)

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