Boyd Crowder: I've learned to think without arguing with myself.
Boyd Crowder: Fire in the hole!
Raylan Givens: That's a 10-gallon hat on a 20-gallon head.
Chief Deputy Art Mullen: Someone in Harlan is going into the meth business in a big way.
Raylan Givens: Or the folks in Harlan are really, really congested.
Ava Crowder: If I start counting down from ten, I may lose my patience at five.
Winona Hawkins: You're a little old to be fighting, aren't you?
Raylan Givens: Certainly too old to be losing.
Karl Hanselman: Next time you're in Cincinnati, come by the gallery. I'll show you my collection. I think you'll be quite surprised.
Raylan Givens: Honestly, I'd rather stick my dick in a blender.
Chief Deputy Art Mullen: Well, that would solve a few problems.
Walker: You shot me in the back!
Raylan Givens: You wanted to get shot in the front, you shoulda run toward me.
Raylan Givens: I shot people I like more for less.
Raylan Givens: You didn't happen to bring your rocket launcher, did you?
Boyd Crowder: I didn't think to pack one.
Raylan Givens: I'm going to need an ambulance, and a coroner.
Winona Hawkins: It's kind of hard to stay mad at Raylan.
Raylan Givens: Sometimes, we have to make deals with lowlifes because we have our sights set on life forms even somehow lower on the ladder of lowlife than they.
Raylan Givens: I shot people I like more for less.
Raylan Givens: You're gonna bob and weave out of the path of a bullet? That I'd like to see.
Ava Crowder: I'm going to have to get a new bed. Unless I want to keep this one as a conversation piece.
Chief Deputy Art Mullen: Just what part of "under investigation" confuses you?
Raylan Givens: So many things confuse me, Art.
Raylan Givens: If you're going to talk, I'll put you in the trunk and drive myself.
Dewey Crowe: I can't drive handcuffed to the damned steering wheel!
Raylan Givens: You'll get the hang of it.