The Outer Limits

The Outer Limits (1963)

Episode list - season 1

(3 votes)

All season 1 mistakesMistakes
Show generally0
1The Galaxy Being3
2The Hundred Days of the Dragon0
3The Architects of Fear2
4The Man With the Power0
5The Sixth Finger2
6The Man Who Was Never Born3
8The Human Factor1
9Corpus Earthling0
11It Crawled Out of the Woodwork2
12The Borderland0
13Tourist Attraction0
14The Zanti Misfits0
15The Mice0
16Controlled Experiment1
17Don't Open Till Doomsday1
19The Invisibles2
20The Bellero Shield1
21The Children of Spider County0
22Specimen: Unknown0
23Second Chance2
25The Mutant0
26The Guests1
27Fun and Games0
28The Special One0
29A Feasibility Study0
30The Production and Decay of Strange Particles0
31The Chameleon1
32The Forms of Things Unknown1

The Human Factor - S1-E8

Continuity mistake: When the lab equipment shorts out after the earthquake, the unconscious Major Brothers is lying with his head propped up against the wall. But when Hamilton reaches him in the next shot, he's suddenly lying flat and is nowhere near the wall. (00:21:45)

Jean G

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Dr. Paul Wayne: So what difference does it make, whether it's 20 minutes or 20 years, since neither amounts to the faintest echo of the tiniest whisper in the thunder of time.

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The Forms of Things Unknown - S1-E32

Trivia: This is the only Outer Limits episode that lacks both opening and closing narration. It was absent because "Forms" was the unsold pilot for a series called The Unknown. A second version, stripped of all its supernatural elements (Tone was simply a mad scientist, not a real time traveler), also failed to sell.

Jean G

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