Charlie's Angels

Charlie's Angels (1976)

14 mistakes in season 3

(12 votes)

Charlie's Angels mistake picture

Angel on High - S3-E4

Continuity mistake: Sabrina is in New York and she stays at Tuxedo Hotel; her room number is 325. However in a close shot of the key chain, it seems that she stays at another hotel (something like Zarac Hotel), while her room number is 1207. (00:20:30)


Haunted Angels - S3-E7

Continuity mistake: Kelly is talking with Mrs. Brendleberry, when all of a sudden everything starts to move. In the room there is a chandelier, which is shaking. However, if we watch the mirror, we will notice that the chandelier is still. (00:26:00)


Counterfeit Angels - S3-E15

Visible crew/equipment: Nearing the end of the show, the angels and Bosley are in the office and Bosley turns left out of the door. A second after he turns, a shadow that is shorter, wider, and very different, comes from the right in the hallway outside the door and walks towards Bosley heading left. Clearly not his shadow.

Tricia Grice

Angel on High - S3-E4

Continuity mistake: After Sabrina gets off the phone with Faylon, when she leaves her hotel room we see the exterior side of the door and its door knob. Later, when Sabrina returns to her room the doorjamb/casing, wall, and door knob are not the same in the closeup as she fiddles with the lock. Sabrina's ring vanishes in the closeup as well. (00:15:20 - 00:21:15)

Super Grover

Angel on My Mind - S3-E11

Continuity mistake: Kelly, Sabrina and Bosley are in the office. All three are very worried about Kris, since they don't know where she is. Sabrina says, "Her car is not there". Actually, the previous shot has shown Kris' car (Cobra II) parked in front of the office. (00:06:45)


Angel on My Mind - S3-E11

Other mistake: There are at least three mistakes/errors in the scene where Kris is hit by the car. First of all, the image is evidently sped up during the collision. Then, when Kris gets up after the collision, there are three green trash bins in front of her which did not appear in the previous shot. Finally, it is physically impossible that those three trash bins can still stand after being hit by a car. (00:03:40 - 00:04:20)


Charlie's Angels mistake picture

Terror on Skis (1) - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: The Angels are in the office and they are discussing with Chadwick, an FBI agent who have hired them. Chadwick gives the Angels a Polaroid photo: however, what is shown in the next close shot is not a Polaroid photo, but a normal one. (00:07:20)


Terror on Skis (1) - S3-E17

Continuity mistake: The Angels, Hansworth and Chadwick are discussing on the ski track. This is the position of each character (from left to right) in long shots: Kelly, Kris, Hansworth, Sabrina, Chadwick. However in closer shots, Sabrina and Chadwick switch their position. (00:46:15)


More trivia for Charlie's Angels

Answer: After going through a number of cast changes that failed to improve the show's slumping ratings, Tanya Roberts' character was added as "street-wise" former model. This was probably an effort to give a different and edgier character dimension to the show.


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