Plot hole: The alternate future Cyborg must stay connected to a large and heavy generator, which stands in the Titan Tower's common room, in order to remain functioning. But as we can later see, the power cables have a rather limited length, and the device is obviously too heavy to move easily. So how comes that Cyborg can roam the Tower and come through the common room's main door, where he appears when he confronts Starfire, without even any of the thick cables showing?
Plot hole: During and right after Cyborg's, Raven's and Beast Boy's fight against the mutant moths on the bridge, they contact Robin via their communicators. On at least two occasions, when their faces are seen on Robin's com and the main computer screen, the members of the trio appear not to look onto the screen of their own communicators, but at a separately mounted camera somewhere nearby.
Chosen answer: It is located in California, as shown in "Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo". Possibly San Francisco as seen in the comics.