Batman: The Animated Series
Batman: The Animated Series mistake picture

Cat Scratch Fever - S1-E33

Continuity mistake: At the end of the episode, Selina is wearing a purple vest and grey sweater, but they change to red and purple when she is holding Isis and watching Batman, and they change back to purple and grey as she cuddles Isis.

Batman: The Animated Series mistake picture

Feat of Clay (1) - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: When Germs and Bell catch Hagen in the laboratory, they are both armed with pistols. But after the first commercial break, Germs' pistol turns into a rifle and Bell's pistol disappears entirely.

Batman: The Animated Series mistake picture

Catwalk - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: When Selina dons her Catwoman costume, she pulls on her mask which was detached from her costume like a face mask, but later on when she returns to her apartment after the museum robbery, she removes her mask which is now attached to her costume like a hood.

Batman: The Animated Series mistake picture

Catwalk - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: When Selina talks to Scarface in the limousine, her eyebrows change from black to blond back to black again between shots.

Batman: The Animated Series mistake picture

Catwalk - S4-E3

Continuity mistake: When Catwoman first encounters Batman during the flashback, her whip is coiled around her shoulder. When the camera cuts back to Catwoman after the shot of Batman, the whip disappears altogether.

Batman: The Animated Series mistake picture

Batgirl Returns - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: Batgirl and Catwoman are depicted without pupils, but in one shot during the fight at the Stacked Deck, they briefly gain pupils when Batgirl says "I think it's closing time."

Riddler's Reform - S3-E3

Continuity mistake: When Riddler burns his costume, he's wearing his purple gloves, but after throwing his green jacket into the fireplace, his gloves disappear entirely. (04:25:03 - 04:29:59)

Riddler's Reform - S3-E3

Other mistake: When Alfred serves Bruce coffee at the end, there's no steam coming from the coffee pot or Bruce's mug when Alfred pours the coffee into mug.

Batman: The Animated Series mistake picture

Batgirl Returns - S3-E8

Continuity mistake: Batgirl and Catwoman briefly gain pupils in one shot of them during the Stacked Deck fight, despite not having any throughout the episode. (04:00:39 - 04:41:24)

More quotes from Batman: The Animated Series

Trivia: The series was animated on darker (typically black) paper as opposed to standard white paper. This helped aid in the show's aesthetic, and also helped save time when animating nighttime sequences, since they wouldn't have to paint the entire background black.


More trivia for Batman: The Animated Series

Answer: She escaped off-screen and created a copy of herself to fool everyone.

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