Batman: The Animated Series

Correction: Clayface wasn't faking losing control of his abilities. He really was losing control. When Clayface saw all the characters he played over the years as Matt Hagen, he began turning into each of them involuntarily but, because there was too many of them, he became overwhelmed and couldn't stop transforming. He even begs Batman to shut off the screens. Https://

Feat of Clay (2) - S1-E5

Corrected entry: Unless he didn't feel like it or Daggett's being held somewhere that's secret there's no reason that Clayface, who faked his death, couldn't try to track him down again.


Correction: There's absolutely nothing in the episode that suggests Clayface can't try to track down Daggett again. That's pure conjecture on your part. And conjecture is not a mistake or plot hole. But just to humor you, as seen in the series, Clayface goes through many other trials and tribulations that take up his time, which might explain why they don't show him going after Daggett in future episodes. Either way... this isn't a plot hole.


Correction: It's not a plot hole for something to not be revealed. A plot hole is an inconsistency that goes against the logic established by the story.


Correction: Sidney is telling his own story and doesn't know how he got saved. He said he must have been sucked down a drainpipe. Later when he finds out Batman saved him, he doesn't ask any follow up questions. The fact that it's never revealed has nothing to do with the plot and it's not a mistake.


Correction: Something not being explained is not a plot hole, nor is it any other kind of mistake. Batman, among many other things, is a ninja and an escape artist. We as the audience understand that he has the capability to rescue Sid the Squid from his predicament, and taking time to explain how he did it would just eat up screen time in what is only a 22-minute episode.


Heart of Ice - S1-E3

Corrected entry: Mr. Freeze's cell at Arkham Asylum has been modified to accommodate his inability to survive outside of sub-zero temperatures, but his cell has a barred window which could easily allow warmer weather to interfere with the temperature regulation (the episode's opening scene states that Gotham is in the midst of the hottest August on record). (00:21:00)


Correction: A single small window even in an area of high heat would not be able to interfere that much in a sub-freezing room with a dedicated hyper-cooling system.

Greg Dwyer

Heart of Ice - S1-E3

Other mistake: When Batman is watching the security footage of Victor Fries' accident, at first Fries is addressing the camera directly which follows him and pans according to his movements and Ferris Boyle interrupting him, which would suggest a second person was in the room with a handheld camera. But after Ferris Boyle enters the room and orders Fries' experiment terminated, there are several cuts from various angles in the room suggesting surveillance cameras. The surveillance style footage also often conveniently cuts to the face of whichever person happens to be speaking or will cut to a certain angle in order to put emphasis on the action, all of which would require multiple mounted cameras and purposeful editing by either Boyle or one of his subordinates, which would be completely illogical since they don't want anyone to see the footage in the first place. (00:12:20 - 00:13:55)


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Trivia: The series was animated on darker (typically black) paper as opposed to standard white paper. This helped aid in the show's aesthetic, and also helped save time when animating nighttime sequences, since they wouldn't have to paint the entire background black.


More trivia for Batman: The Animated Series

Answer: She escaped off-screen and created a copy of herself to fool everyone.

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