Plot hole: When Zach Young's grandfather died, Zach was said to be the sole heir of the fortune. However, Noah Taylor (the grandfather) had a daughter that appeared several times while Mike Delfino was looking for Deirdre. Where was Kendra Taylor while Zachary Young was spending Noah's fortune on dresses for Gabrielle Solis? Why didn't she claim her share? She simply disappeared.
Plot hole: It says on Mary-Alice's tomb stone that she died on September 26th 2004, which was a Sunday, yet in the first episode, she says that she died on a Thursday.
Answer: Kayla was sent away in episode 16 (The Gun Song) in season 4, after falsely accusing Lynette of child abuse. She now lives with her grandparents - probably Nora's parents.
I'm curious why we never see her again, why she never talked about, and why Tom never mentions visiting her.